Sunday, May 19, 2013

Dyson AM05 Hot + Cool Fan Heater

Dyson AM05 Hot + Cool Fan Heater

Shock Sale Dyson AM05 Hot + Cool Fan Heater very cheapYou looking to find the "Dyson AM05 Hot + Cool Fan Heater" Good news! You can purchase Dyson AM05 Hot + Cool Fan Heater with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

Dyson AM05 Hot + Cool Fan Heater On Sale

Price: $699.00   Updated Price for Dyson AM05 Hot + Cool Fan Heater now
Purchase Dyson AM05 Hot + Cool Fan Heater low price

Product Feature

  • 5 year parts & labor warranty when purchased from an authorized reseller
  • Heating fan-Long-range heat projection so you feel direct heat throughout the room
  • Cooling fan-Powerful airflow and velocity to cool you effectively
  • Air Multiplier technology-Draws in surrounding air and amplifies it
  • Safe-Tip-over automatic cut out. No visible heating elements. No fast-spinning blades

Product Description

The Dyson Hot + Cool fan heater provides the fastest whole room heating in winter and high velocity air to cool in summer. It uses Air Multiplier technology to amplify surrounding air for long-range heat projection and to produce powerful airflow for personal cooling. There are no blades – just an uninterrupted stream of smooth air. In heater mode, two PTC ceramic plates heat the air as it's projected into the room. These plates never exceed 392-DegreeF, so they don't burn dust and there's no worrying burning smell. The temperature can be set to the degree, from 33-DegreeF to 99-DegreeF and the airflow velocity can be precisely adjusted – either at the base of the machine or from the remote control, which attaches to the machine magnetically. Some fan heaters claim to be cooling fans as well, but many have low airflow and air velocity �so they're not. The Dyson Hot + Cool fan heater draws in up to 6 gallons of air per second, generating high airflow and air velocity, for improved personal cooling. The machine cuts out automatically if it's tipped over and there are no visible heating elements or blades. Because there's no need for a protective grille, the Dyson Hot + Cool fan heater is easy to clean. It also saves energy � costing 30-percent less to heat the whole room than conventional fan heaters and can lower energy bills by 20-percent if used with air conditioning. All Dyson machines are tested rigorously during development, so the Dyson Hot + Cool fan heater comes with a 2 year parts and labor warranty.

Dyson AM05 Hot + Cool Fan Heater Review

Length:: 6:10 Mins

I have been intrigued with the Dyson Hot + Cool Fan Heater for a few years. I remember checking one out at a big box housewares store and was just thinking how interesting the design was but equally amazed at how high the price was. The design was certainlly clever and modern but it was not clear to me whether the performance could equal the expecatation and cost. I finally have a Dyson Hot + Cool thanks to the Amazon Vine program and I've been putting it through some serious testing and usage. My video review will cover most of my thoughts but I"ll highlight some of my thoughts here. After using it for nearly a year in both cold and hot conditions I am able to say it is NOT very effective as a fan and marginally more effective as a heater.

Let me be clear about one thing, the device name is totally misleading. It is called "Hot + Cool Fan Heater". It is NOT a cooler. It does not cool air whatsoever. An air conditioner cools air. This is not an air conditioner... it is a fan and it is not very effective as a fan because the air flow is simply too weak to be effective. Additionally it is very loud during operation.

I do like the look of this heater/fan. It's very modern and futuristic. Its slim design will enable it to be put in some otherwise tight spaces and will also look quite modern and elicit many comments, I'm sure.

The actual performance is poor. As a heater, it works pretty well, but only in a smaller square foot area. Since the head can oscillate back and forth, it sill distribute a warm flow of air fairly effectively in smaller rooms. Normally the thermostat in my house is set to 62 degrees during the overnight. I set the Dyson Hot + Cool downstairs in the living room. The entire downstairs area is approx. 900 sq feet but but has a relatively open floor plan so about 3/4 of that square footage could essentially be considered one room. The Dyson managed to keep the temperature right aroun 68 degrees all night long. The Dyson temperature had been set to 70 and as far as I know, it never attained 70 degrees. I'm pretty sure it ran continously all night long. I thought that being able to maintain a 68 degree temperature in that size space was pretty good though since it's still winter where I live and if the heater had not been on, it would have dropped to 62 degrees inside. If a smaller room were being used, it would heat the room to a higher temperature.

As a "cooling" fan, I was not impressed. There is simply not enough velocity or volume of air to be very effective as a fan. Not only that, but the Dyson is loud especially when the fan is operating at its highest setting. At the low setting it's not that loud, but then it's much less effective too. So to get a significant fan effect, you have to turn the speed up to a level much higher than "low."

I do like that the fan oscillates and also tilts. Howver, in my use of the fan, there was a significant amount of wobble in the head of the unit when it was tilted and oscillating. In fact at one point the unit almost vibrated or wobbled itself off the edge of the counter it was sitting on while I was out of the room. I could not believe my eyes. When the head is straight up with no forward or backward inclination, it's fine.

The remote is useful and magnetically attaches itself to the top of the head when not in use. But in my video you will notice at one point the remote slides off the top when I tilt the unit so the magnet is not as strong as it should be to hold the remote securely.

If you are a design forward kind of person or just admire the "genius" of Dyson, this fan will probably appeal to you. It's more flash than function in my opinion. If you're thinking that for the price it's got to be one incredibly effective fan and heater, you'd be mistaken. For the price, it's one awesome looking piece of equipment, but performance is not so hot (no pun intended.)

For my money, I"d rather buy a seperate floor standing fan, or box fan, that can really push some air and at significantly less cost. The Dyson can't even compare.

As a heater, it's pretty cool (sorry again, no pun intended) but again, expensive. I have a small, square, ceramic heater that is very quiet and effective. I think it cost around $40-50.

One worry I have and that I can't address until I've used this for a much longer time, is how much dust will collect in the air intake holes on the lower section of the unit. I've had other devices with similar looking holes and over time you get this very fine and hard to remove collection of dust buildup that would also reduce air flow. Internally dust might build up somewhere too. I have no idea how that would affect the already mediocre performance... or how to clean it. And the air output venturi would also collect dust over time and have to be cleaned.

I guess the Dyson and me aren't a good fit. It's cool looking as heck but I just don't think it lives up to my expectations of performance for something that costs this much. I can see this fitting in to certain decors really well though. And its slim design does enable it to fit in what would otherwise be tight spaces for other more conventional fans/heaters.

UPDATE: 6/3/2013 - Having used this over the winter and now during some really hot weather, I'm reducing my rating to 2-stars. For the price, this just doesn't provide a commensurate level of performance. I would not recommend unless you just want to make a fashion statement but don't really care so much about effective cooling or rock-solid mechanical performance.

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