Saturday, July 13, 2013

Mr. Heater 30,000 BTU Propane Blue Flame Vent-Free Heater, VF30KBLUELP

Mr. Heater 30,000 BTU Propane Blue Flame Vent-Free Heater, VF30KBLUELP

Shock Sale Mr. Heater 30,000 BTU Propane Blue Flame Vent-Free Heater, VF30KBLUELP very cheapYou looking to find the "Mr. Heater 30,000 BTU Propane Blue Flame Vent-Free Heater, VF30KBLUELP" Good news! You can purchase Mr. Heater 30,000 BTU Propane Blue Flame Vent-Free Heater, VF30KBLUELP with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

Mr. Heater 30,000 BTU Propane Blue Flame Vent-Free Heater, VF30KBLUELP On Sale

Price: $219.05 $215.00   Updated Price for Mr. Heater 30,000 BTU Propane Blue Flame Vent-Free Heater, VF30KBLUELP now
Purchase Mr. Heater 30,000 BTU Propane Blue Flame Vent-Free Heater, VF30KBLUELP low price

Product Feature

  • Safe, clean burning heat
  • Operates without electricity during power outages
  • Built-in oxygen shut off sensor and adjustable thermostat
  • Easy to install; 99.9% efficient
  • Wall mount or free standing

Product Description

The VF30KBLUELP is a propane fired, vent free, blue flame heater that produces 30,000 BTU's of efficient, comfortable heat. This safe, clean-burning heater has a five setting heat control, low oxygen shut off sensor and burns 99.9% efficient. This unit does not require electricity and is easily installed as a wall mount unit or as a free standing unit with the included feet kit. Battery powered spark igniter (AA battery included), and blower fan for increased air circulation. This CSA certified heater will heat up to 600 square feet and comes with a limited two year warranty.

Mr. Heater 30,000 BTU Propane Blue Flame Vent-Free Heater, VF30KBLUELP Review

I am very pleased with this heater. It has one or two quirks that I didn't expect (hence the 4.5 stars), but it puts out a terrific amount of heat, looks great and was a real bargain - Amazon is the best.

What I didn't expect:

* It's much larger than I expected. My impression based on the pictures I could find was that it was much smaller, but be prepared for a sizeable heater;
* Contrary to the description, it doesn't have a digital temperature readout. I was a little annoyed at first, but then most temperature gauges don't work well anyway, and I heat the room to feel comfortable and not to a specific temperature, so this doesn't matter much to me now;
* The thermostat works differently than I expected. The unit puts out a constant amount of heat, regardless of the setting, but the higher thermostat settings make the unit run until the room is hotter before it shuts off, which works fine;
* I run my heater on a 40 lb. propane bottle. If you plan to run on a bottle, be prepared to buy a pressure regulator, hose and some fittings. Oddly, I couldn't find the right combination from Mr. Heater, but did buy the Red Dragon kit on Amazon, which works well. The only other fitting I needed was an adapter from 3/8" NPT to 3/8" flare, which was only $3 at the local hardware store;
* I read reviews elsewhere that the internal fan is quiet. I like the fact that it has the fan, but find it a bit noisy to my taste. Since I have a vaulted ceiling and ceiling fans, I will rarely use the internal fan. It seems to work fine without it and runs almost silently, which is very nice.

Overall, a real deal in my opinion that suits my needs almost perfectly.

August 2011 Update: A few more observations after using the heater for a while:

* we can smell the byproducts of combustion in the room when we use this heater. This is not surprising since the combustion gases are vented into the room. As a result, we use it sparingly (usually just to warm the room) since the smell can be unpleasant, and undoubtedly isn't good for your health if used extensively;
* burning propane relases a fair bit of water vapour into the room, so we get condensation on the windows. Again, this is not a surprise;
* this heater is certified by the Canadian Standards Association (CSA), which is one of the reasons I bought it. However, the CSA approval is only for use in the USA; these types of unvented heaters are not approved for use in Canada;
* I did some reading online about unvented heaters (sadly after I bought this unit). Anyone interested in buying unvented heaters would do well to read up about the pros and cons before buying.

Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Mr. Heater 30,000 BTU Propane Blue Flame Vent-Free Heater, VF30KBLUELP" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Mr. Heater 30,000 BTU Propane Blue Flame Vent-Free Heater, VF30KBLUELP ...

Buy Mr. Heater 30,000 BTU Propane Blue Flame Vent-Free Heater, VF30KBLUELP Cheap

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