KitchenAid KP26M1PSL Professional 600 Series 6-Quart Stand Mixer, Silver

Product Feature
- 575 watt motor, 10 speed control
- 6-quart polished stainless steel wide-mouth bowl with contoured steel handle
- 67 point planetary mixing action
- Packaged and shipped in recyclable, easy-to-open packaging
- Includes: 6 quart stainless steel bowl with comfort handle, burnished powerknead spiral dough hook, flat beater and wire whip.
Product Description
This stand mixer has a 575 watt motor with 10 speed control. The 6-quart polished stainless steel wide-mouth bowl has a contoured steel handle for easy moving. Includes a burnished power-knead spiral dough hook, flat beater and wire whip, which move in a 67 point planetary mixing action for more even mixing. The KitchenAid Professional 600 series (KP26M1P) stand mixer's deliver power, versatility and reliable performance to make this the #1 choice for the kitchen.KitchenAid KP26M1PSL Professional 600 Series 6-Quart Stand Mixer, Silver Review
UPDATE: 1/15/12: Please note that my original review was written in 2007, so serial numbers mentioned are different now, so unsure what has changed at KA. Hope all is good by now!NEWLY EDITED 11/30/07:
IF YOU ARE ABOUT TO BUY a PRO 600 & you have done your research, you already know there is a plastic/metal parts issue, so PLEASE read my info: KA customer service KNOWS which Pro 600s have the metal transmission cover "fix" (via serial numbers), but some reps are refusing to give you the serial numbers to look for; but they might "allow" you to call them from the store with the serial number off a Pro 600 box before you buy to ensure it has the metal transmission cover. So, be insistent! Here's my story:
The first rep I called was a supervisor "Kelly", who refused to tell me which serial numbers to look for! Nice! I spent too much time researching ,so I called back & the next rep (Rachel) gave me her extension & told me to call her from the store & she would tell me if the one I found was made after the "fix". By the time I found one I wanted - at the second store visited - KA cust serv was closed. I bought it anyway, crossed my fingers, & called the next day. "Rachel" wasn't available, but another rep told me the serial number was one of the newer mixers I wanted. (pls read all the "negative" reviews here for good info)
IMPORTANT: This rep also gave me crucial I want to pass on as it's the info I tried to get before I bought my mixer - the serial numbers of the Pro 600 6 qt, 575 watt mixers with the metal cover "fix" (made from mid-April 2007)begin with numbers higher than "14" (my serial number is WU1503109, so it's above "14") Depending on the rep you get, only a couple are willing to confirm this info, so be prepared for frustration but just hang up and keep trying until you get a good rep.
ALSO IMPT: There are a few 6 quart KA mixers made - I am only speaking of the store bought PRO 600 6 QT, 575 watt mixer found in stores like Bed N Bath/Linens N Things. So, read all these reviews carefully & note the dates they were written - I think there is a possibility of people writing both pro & con reviews about 6 qt mixers that might be different. However, the plastic issue is the same, just the power would be different. For example, QVC sells a 6 qt KA mixer with a smaller motor, and there's a Williams Sonoma 6 qt mixer as well.
I wanted this powerful mixer as I have a 30 yr old KA mixer with a 250 watt motor, but it has a small bowl. My old mixer has never had a problem with a thick batter cookie I make every year at this time. I was anxious for the large bowl & to see how my new "workhorse" with its 575 watts would handle this batter because many have complained that it burns out on thick doughs/batters. UPDATE: I just made my thick cookie batter with my new 575 mixer & it did a super job!( My recipe uses 1 1/2 lbs of brown sugar, 8+ cups of flour, one pound of butter and 2 cups of Karo syrup - no other liquids or eggs so it's a tough batter for any machine) Once I began to add the flour (using the nice pouring shield) I never went above speed 2 (as suggested by KA for heavy batters/doughs) & speed 2 was all that was needed. A nice rep also suggested to rest the mixer if I needed to mix beyond 7 mins, but I never came close to that.
SIDE NOTE: when I opened the box last nite, the electric cord was folded in half & tied into a knot; there was a very sharp/jagged piece of metal on the lifting guide; a blob of dried paint on the top of the bowl holder; & bits of white crystals in the bowl that tasted like salt. Of course I called KA & Robert, with permission from his supervisor, offered a replacement immediately which I didn't ask for & certainly wasn't expecting! He said the "presentation upon opening the box" wasn't professional & they wanted to correct that. He also told me to go ahead & use this unit until the replacement arrives! WOW! Once it arrives, KA will send UPS to pick up the one I bought. Another WOW! I then told Robert about my Serial Number fiasco & he said that he would have provided the S/N info before I shopped! He also said that he stood by his fellow reps, but he agreed that someone like me, who had done hours of research, should have been given the requested info from the first call & certainly not have been forced to call from a store! In my case, I wanted a mixer made after the mid-April date which is the date KA began putting metal transmission covers on instead of plastic.
My WARNING: There is old stock, with the plastic cover, out there, yet KA still insists there is nothing wrong with this, so I'm giving you a big head's up..
Until I made my batter, I rated this mixer a 2 for the lousy customer service/runaround I got from 2 of 5 reps. Now that I've made my batter, I am vamping it up to 5 stars BUT KA needs to get more reps like Robert and the other guy who helped me. (If not for them, KA would NOT have this sale) So, while I wasn't treated right at the beginning, I am happy now & have edited my review accordingly. KA has quality issues re cust serv, especially supervisor "Kelly". (Try to avoid her as she thinks she works for the CIA.) I hope I have saved at least ONE person from all the frustration I suffered through to get what I wanted. In the long run, I think you'll be happy & customer service is great IF you get a good rep!
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