Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Mr. Heater 30,000 BTU Natural Gas Radiant Vent Free Heater #VF30KRADNG

Mr. Heater 30,000 BTU Natural Gas Radiant Vent Free Heater #VF30KRADNG

Shock Sale Mr. Heater 30,000 BTU Natural Gas Radiant Vent Free Heater #VF30KRADNG very cheapYou looking to find the "Mr. Heater 30,000 BTU Natural Gas Radiant Vent Free Heater #VF30KRADNG" Good news! You can purchase Mr. Heater 30,000 BTU Natural Gas Radiant Vent Free Heater #VF30KRADNG with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

Mr. Heater 30,000 BTU Natural Gas Radiant Vent Free Heater #VF30KRADNG On Sale

Price: $229.50    Updated Price for Mr. Heater 30,000 BTU Natural Gas Radiant Vent Free Heater #VF30KRADNG now
Purchase Mr. Heater 30,000 BTU Natural Gas Radiant Vent Free Heater #VF30KRADNG low price

Product Feature

  • Safe, clean burning heat
  • Operates without electricity during power outages
  • Built-in oxygen shut off sensor and adjustable thermostat
  • Easy to install; 99.9% efficient
  • Wall mount or free standing

Product Description

The VF30KRADNG is a natural gas, vent free, radiant heater that produces 30,000 BTU's of efficient, comfortable heat. This safe, clean-burning heater has a five setting heat control, low oxygen shut off sensor and burns 99.9% efficient. This unit does not require electricity and is easily installed as a wall mount unit or as a free standing unit with the included feet kit. Heater also has built in digital room temperature display, battery powered spark igniter (AA battery included), and blower fan for increased air circulation. This CSA certified heater will heat up to 600 square feet and comes with a limited two year warranty.

Mr. Heater 30,000 BTU Natural Gas Radiant Vent Free Heater #VF30KRADNG Review

I bought this from this vendor in December 2010. The color is a light cream color. It comes with a 3/8" elbow flare fitting. The gas line in the fireplace had a 3/8" flare fitting. The supply line is a 24" from HD, for under $20. Mr Heater recommends not putting the unit in an enclosed space, such as in the fireplace, so I put it on the hearth. The unit has a fan with an on off switch, and the fan comes on when the unit is warmed up. The fan has one speed and is as loud as the microwave. I only used the fan a couple of times, opting instead for the ceiling fan on low in reverse. The unit has a pilot light that is lit with a battery (included) powered igniter. The pilot is easy to light and I turn it off when not using the heater. The thermostat goes from 1 to 5, with 1 being about 55 degrees, and 3 being about 70 degrees. The amount of gas is not adjustable by the heater, but it can be turned down with the gas valve built into the fireplace. I added a photo that shows the heater running with the gas turned down by the fireplace gas valve. This allows the heater to run all day and keep the room at a constant temperature without cycling on and off.

The good: Very low cost for a lot of heat. Fan and floor mounts are included. With ventless, all the heat generated stays in the room. Infra red radiant heat is warm. You might want to search on high intensity gas heaters. The infra red heater allows us to turn the house thermostat way down, and have the same comfort in the family room that we would get by sitting in the sun on a cold day.

The bad: Ventless has a combustion smell. I got a slight head ache for the first two weeks after running the unit at full power. Either I got used to it, or the newness burned off. The unit is not as attractive as a gas log insert.

These heaters are supposed to cause condensation, and we were hoping for an increase in humidity, but the house is still in the dry range at 30%.

I bought this heater as an experiment. I had a $4,000 gas insert installed in my last house with excellent results, and installed the same item in this house, but it was a dud. I wanted to test my expectations whether a 40,000 btu vented gas insert with 75% efficiency generated the same comfort as a 30,000 btu infra red ventless. The big difference is the radiant heat. The infra red ventless generates more comfort. It feels like a roaring fire, but does not look like one. I still wanted the ventless to eliminate the smell, and asked three insert manufacturers to provide any a test results they have for their units for radiant heat, but got no answers. My conclusion is that the inserts look pretty, and they generate the same kind of heat as the house heater, but they don't do radiant. I'll enjoy the warmth, live with the smell, and keep $3,800 in my pocket.

Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Mr. Heater 30,000 BTU Natural Gas Radiant Vent Free Heater #VF30KRADNG" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Mr. Heater 30,000 BTU Natural Gas Radiant Vent Free Heater #VF30KRADNG ...

Buy Mr. Heater 30,000 BTU Natural Gas Radiant Vent Free Heater #VF30KRADNG Cheap

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