Friday, October 26, 2012

Frigidaire FAD704DUD 70 Pt. Dehumidifier

Frigidaire FAD704DUD 70 Pt. Dehumidifier

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Frigidaire FAD704DUD 70 Pt. Dehumidifier On Sale

   Updated Price for Frigidaire FAD704DUD 70 Pt. Dehumidifier now
Purchase Frigidaire FAD704DUD 70 Pt. Dehumidifier low price

Product Feature

  • 70 pints/day dehumidification
  • Continuous operation is possible when unit is located near a suitable drain
  • Electronic controls
  • 2 fan speeds
  • Low temperature operation

Product Description

The Frigidaire FAD704DUD 70-pint Dehumidifier is an Energy Star Compliant 70-pint per day dehumidifier capable of continuous operation when the unit is located near a suitable drain. It features full-function electronic controls, an easily accessible collection container with level indicator, and a washable filter that removes both moisture and airborne particulates. The integrated casters allow you to move the unit easily to wherever it's needed.

Frigidaire FAD704DUD 70 Pt. Dehumidifier Review

I bought mine at the local big-box home improvement store. It is used in my heated basement, which I want extra-dry as my firearms and other sensitive items are stored there.

After six months it started making a lot of noise. I checked it and found that the cooling coils were completely iced up, totally blocking the air flow. I let it defrost completely and tried again, with the same icing resulting after a few hours. I checked the manual. which gave "room temperature is too low" as the cause. Doubtful, I thought, but it is winter and only about 60 degrees in here. So I waited to spring and tried again. Now there is no cooling effect at all, and no water output. Obviously the icing was from the cooling fluid leaking, and finally it all leaked out resulting in the total lack of operation.

This is my second Frigidaire dehumidifier. The first had a fan motor failure after six months.

Obviously Frigidaire is no longer synonymous with quality.

By the way, it is not possible to contact Frigidaire customer service by their 800 number. The option for "speak to a representative" results in the computer giving a long-distance number to call. On previous occasions, I have had no luck with trying to contact them via their web site, either. However I tried again, this time requesting return contact by telephone.

This time they actually responded, but by email despite my request for contact by phone. The response was "I would like to offer you a 60% rebate towards a new unit." My response to that was, quoting the manual, "The unit has a FIVE YEAR WARRANTY period during which 'Frigidaire will repair or replace any part in the Sealed Refrigeration System....,' so why should I have to pay 40 percent?"

Their reply: "We apologize we will not be able to arrange service for your dehumidifier. Regrettably, escalating service costs have rendered repairing dehumidifiers a thing of the past as these units are no longer serviced.

Please let us know if you wish to accept the rebate offer so we may assist with issuing a rebate letter outlining details of the rebate as soon as possible. Please also note that not only will you receive the 60% rebate but as an added bonus when you receive the new dehumidifier the warranty will start over again from day one."

I wrote them again, requesting that they honor their written warranty. They replied "Thank you for contacting Frigidaire. We apologize that we are not able to assist."

In other words, they are refusing to honor the written warranty in the owner's manual. I have filed a complaint with the FTC, but expect little assistance since I am just a single citizen.

It is not only Frigidaire's product quality that is suffering....

Update, 06/24/2011: At N. Ha's suggestion (see comments on this review), I complained to the BBB in Georgia, where the Frigidaire humidifier service center is located per the manual. Today I received a phone call from Electrolux about my complaint. The woman said they wanted to "buy my unit back" for the full amount I had paid for it. She refused to call this a refund. However, she said I do not have to ship this unit they are buying to them, only the label with the model and serial number plus my original receipt. I guess calling it a refund might set a precedent. I, of course, accepted the offer and am awaiting the paperwork.

So, it looks like the only way to get satisfaction for the written warranty they have unilaterally decided to cancel for all current and future customers is to complain to the BBB. I hope many will do so.

Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Frigidaire FAD704DUD 70 Pt. Dehumidifier" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Frigidaire FAD704DUD 70 Pt. Dehumidifier ...

Buy Frigidaire FAD704DUD 70 Pt. Dehumidifier Cheap

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