Saturday, June 15, 2013

Aprilaire 500 Humidifier, 24V Whole House Humidifier w/ Auto Digital Control Bypass Damper .5 Gallons/ hour

Aprilaire 500 Humidifier, 24V Whole House Humidifier w/ Auto Digital Control Bypass Damper .5 Gallons/ hour

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Aprilaire 500 Humidifier, 24V Whole House Humidifier w/ Auto Digital Control Bypass Damper .5 Gallons/ hour On Sale

Price: $115.99    Updated Price for Aprilaire 500 Humidifier, 24V Whole House Humidifier w/ Auto Digital Control Bypass Damper .5 Gallons/ hour now
Purchase Aprilaire 500 Humidifier, 24V Whole House Humidifier w/ Auto Digital Control Bypass Damper .5 Gallons/ hour low price

Product Feature

  • Includes automatic digital control, outdoor sensor, water pad, 110V to 24V transformer, and biult-in bypass damper.
  • The Aprilaire 500A will cover up to 3000 sq ft.
  • This unit has a waterfeed rate of 3.0 GPH and will deliver an evaporative rate of .5 GPH

Product Description

Aprilaire Model 500 Automatic Whole-house Bypass Humidifier with Digital Control. Includes water panel, outdoor temp sensor, saddle valve, 24v transformer, built in damper. Unit is 15.62" wide x 13"tall and 10.25" deep. Plenum opening size 9.5" SQ Bypass connection comes mounted on the left and can be modified for the right side applications.

Aprilaire 500 Humidifier, 24V Whole House Humidifier w/ Auto Digital Control Bypass Damper .5 Gallons/ hour Review

Was trying to decide between the 500 and 600 models. They are basically the same, besides how much humidity they can add to the air. My home is about 3300 sq feet, and the 500 is rated for 3000 sq. feet. Another review stated the manufacture said that with a tight home you can bump up the rating by about 30%. Went with the 500 and I have no regrets. Install wasn't hard and wasn't easy either. I did use the hot water supply to the unit because I wanted to reach the max ratings. Also hooked it up so the blower could be activated by the humidistat. At first I was confused by the "improved" wiring diagram. I thought that you wouldn't be able to start the blower from the Thermostat. I was wrong because the thermostat just makes the call through the humidistat. Overall I am very satisfied with the product.

- Notice a huge difference in the comfort of my home in less than 24 hours.
- No Bloody nose in the morning.
- Was able to turn the Thermostat down about 2 degrees, because the wife said it felt warm. ;)

- I'm a very skilled workman and the install took longer than expected. Look at spending about 6 hours installing this product.
- The transformer that was shipped with the product was DOA. No 24VAC out. Luckily I had a spare sitting around.

Pulled this off a review from the 600 model. Revised/Added a couple of items. It works for the 500 model as well.:

#8 self tap sheet metal screws - at least 1.25 inch.
1/4" copper water line - Home Depot sold it in a 10ft section.
1/2" ID clear vinyl tubing for drain
Clamp to attach the vinyl drain tubing to the humidifier
Small wire nuts
6" start collar for bypass connection - I found a collar that included a 90 degree.
6" 90 degree elbow(s) for bypass connection
6" pipe for bypass connection. - I purchased a 4 ft section and was plenty for a vertical setup.
18-2 thermostat wire (a few feet of 18-5 may be helpful to go between the humidifier and your furnace, but 18-2 will work there as well)
HVAC foil duct tape
Rubber weatherstripping to seal the 500 casing to the duct work.

Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Aprilaire 500 Humidifier, 24V Whole House Humidifier w/ Auto Digital Control Bypass Damper .5 Gallons/ hour" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Aprilaire 500 Humidifier, 24V Whole House Humidifier w/ Auto Digital Control Bypass Damper .5 Gallons/ hour ...

Buy Aprilaire 500 Humidifier, 24V Whole House Humidifier w/ Auto Digital Control Bypass Damper .5 Gallons/ hour Cheap

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