Saturday, November 16, 2013

Breville JE98XL Juice Fountain Plus 850-Watt Juice Extractor

Breville JE98XL Juice Fountain Plus 850-Watt Juice Extractor

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Breville JE98XL Juice Fountain Plus 850-Watt Juice Extractor On Sale

Price: $149.77 $145.00   Updated Price for Breville JE98XL Juice Fountain Plus 850-Watt Juice Extractor now
Purchase Breville JE98XL Juice Fountain Plus 850-Watt Juice Extractor low price

Product Feature

  • Countertop juicing machine with extra-wide 3-inch feeder chute
  • 850-watt dual-speed motor; powerful stainless-steel cutting disc for fast results
  • Safety locking arm; overload protection LED; large-capacity pulp collector
  • Dishwasher-safe parts; includes 1-liter juice jug with froth separator, filter basket, and cleaning brush
  • Measures approximately 13-1/5 by 16-1/2 by 18-1/5 inches; 1-year limited warranty

Product Description

The Breville JE98XL's dual speeds
The Breville JE98XL's dual speeds allow you to juice both hard and soft fruits and vegetables

Get into the world of juicing with this no-nonsense dual-speed juice fountain. Ideal for first-time juicers, this juicer runs on 850 watts and has two speeds, 12,000RPM or 6,500RPM, for hard and soft ingredients.

High quality juicing, entry-level price

Fruit is largely composed of water, but its selling point is its nutritional value. How do you extract the juice from fruit, without leaving the nutrients behind? Breville � s Nutri Disc and patented juicing system extract more nutrients than other juicers and transfers less than 1.8F of heat to protect enzymes and maximize nutrient absorption of select nutrients.

The dual speed, 850 watt motor allows you to juice hard fruits and vegetables like apples and beets on high speed at 12,000 RPM, while the low speed (6,500rpm) is optimal for softer fruits and leafy green vegetables like cantaloupe and spinach. The Juice Fountain Plus cutting disc is so powerful that pineapple can be juiced in large chunks with the rind on. In addition, this juicer features an extra-wide 3-inch feeder chute that accommodates large chunks or entire pieces of fruit or vegetables, eliminating the need for chopping vegetables.

The JE98XL is not only easy to use, but also easy to clean. It is pulp-ejecting and comes with a large-capacity pulp collector and most parts can be cleaned on the top shelf of the dishwasher.

The Breville JE98XL's large feed chute
The extra wide 3" feed chute makes pre-chopping most fruits and vegetables unnecessary

Product features:

  • Heavy-duty 850 watt motor with dual speed control: a low speed (6,500rpm) for softer fruits and vegetables and a high speed (12,000rpm) for harder fruits and vegetables
  • Patented extra-wide feed chute (3� wide): juice large fruits and vegetables with little to no cutting or preparation
  • Patented direct central feed system for maximum juice extraction
  • Nutri Disc with stainless steel blades and stainless steel mesh filter basket for spinning out the pulp
  • Heavy grade polymer body for durability
  • 1 liter juice jug (34 fl. oz.) with froth separator
  • Large capacity pulp container with integrated handle
  • Cord storage: the power cord wraps around feet and clips into position under the base for a reduced counter-top footprint
  • Safety Locking Arm prevents the juicer from operating without the cover locked into place
  • Overload protection prevents over-heating, automatically shutting the machine down when it senses that the machine is overloaded
  • All materials that come in contact with food are BPA-free, ensuring safe use
  • Easy clean-up with the included cleaning brush. All parts except for the mesh filter basket/Nutri Disc and food pusher can be washed on the top shelf of the dishwasher.
BJE820XL: Juice Fountain Duo
800JEXL: Juice Fountain Elite
BJE510XL: Juice Fountain Multi-Speed
BJS600XL: Juice Fountain Crush
JE98XL: Juice Fountain Plus
BJE200XL: Juice Fountain Compact
Key Feature Die-cast juicer with soft fruit attachment and variable speed capability 'Rolls Royce' of Juicers: die-cast metal matched wtih power Variable speeds maximize yield across variety of fruits Makes thicker juices and yields more juice for leafy greens and wheatgrass than non-masticating juicers Great entry price point for Breville juicers Compact design takes up less space, with all of the juicing capabilities of the other juicers
Type of Juicer Centrifugal Centrifugal Centrifugal Masticating/slow juicer Centrifugal Centrifugal
Motor 1200 watt 1000 watt 900 watt 240 watt 850 watt 700 watt
Speed 5 speeds ranging from 6,500rpm to 13,000rpm Low speed of 6,500rpm, high speed of 13,000rpm 5 speeds ranging from 6,500rpm to 12,500rpm 80rpm Low speed of 6,500rpm, high speed of 12,000rpm 14,000rpm
  • Heavy grade die-cast metal body
  • Titanium cutting disc
  • Stainless steel micromesh filter
  • Stainless steel puree disc
  • Heavy grade die-cast metal body
  • Titanium cutting disc
  • Stainless steel cutting disc
  • Engineering grade polymers
  • Stainless steel body
  • Stainless steel micromesh filter
  • Stainless steel cutting disc
  • Engineering grade polymers
  • Painted premium plastic
  • Heavy grade polymer body
  • Stainless steel micromesh filter
  • Stainless steel cutting disc
  • Titanium cutting disc
  • Stainless steel micromesh filter
  • 3" circular feed tube processes whole fruit
  • Centered dual knife blade asssembly
  • Stabilizing knife
  • Second juice disc purees soft fruits for 100% fruit smoothies
  • 3" circular feed tube processes whole fruit
  • Centered dual knife blade asssembly
  • Stabilizing knife
  • Dual high/low speed switch for hard or softer fruits and vegetables
  • 3" circular feed tube processes whole fruit
  • Centered dual knife blade asssembly
  • Stabilizing knife
  • Unique 5 speed smart juicing system maximizes juice yield according to softness and hardness
  • Direction control
  • Two step safety start
  • Filter basket with auto-purifying
  • Crushes and squeezes to make juice with nutrients and a little fiber for a thicker, smoother texture
  • 3" circular feed tube processes whole fruit
  • Centered dual knife blade asssembly
  • Stabilizing knife
  • Dual high/low speed switch for hard or softer fruits and vegetables
  • 3" circular feed tube processes whole fruit
  • Centered dual knife blade asssembly
  • Stabilizing knife
Compare Breville Juicers</i>

Breville JE98XL Juice Fountain Plus 850-Watt Juice Extractor Review

I had the Juiceman Pro 210 juicer and now this one. I alternate between being really into juicing to not juicing at all. So a $400-$500 investment in a single gear masticating juicer does not make sense.
I am currently into a 'really into juicing' phase, so much so that I overworked the poor Juiceman juicer a while ago.
Since I had no other point of reference at the time, my only issue with the Juiceman Pro 210 was that the feeder was small. I did wonder what it would be like to have a juicer accept an apple or orange without having to quarter it. But that really was the only issue. No complaints with plastic or motor or quantity of juice.

This Breville juicer beats the Juiceman hands down in EVERY category that I can think of. It has the power, it's compact enough to fit where I need it to on my kitchen counter and more:

1. Speed Counts - I'm a busy mom. I work, I cook, I chauffeur and somewhere in there I need to find the time to juice. I can't wait 30 minutes for a machine to work through veggies and fruit *at low temperature* and 100% dry pulp to get my juice. I can take out 10mins. 5 mins to prep the veggies and fruits (I peel my organic carrots before I juice them as an example, or to peel oranges, or wash the spinach). 1 min to juice it all. Literally. 1 min. Regardless of what you throw at it. And I juice for four glasses at a time. And then 2-3 mins for cleanup. So the long pole in the tent is the prep - not dealing with the juicer - which is great.

2. Juice Quantity Counts - Could the juice output be higher with some of the higher end products? Likely. But the cost of the higher end items plus the extra time to wait for the juice is not worth it to me. The pulp for 'hard' produce like carrots and beets feels very dry to me with this juicer. The difference between the Juiceman and the Breville is really in how it deals with the soft produce. I had to run the soft produce pulp through the Juiceman twice and I got equal quantities of juice. With the Breville 98XL, it is so dry the first go around that it absolutely is not worth my time to deal with the pulp a second time. I figure I get about 5% more juice by running the pulp through again. If that's not a big deal to you, then don't worry about it. What is 5% of 4 oranges worth to you is the question.

3. Ease of Use Counts - The machine is simple to put together and take apart. You will have to work on cleaning any juicer. No getting around that, no matter which one you use. Cleaning this juicer is not complicated and easily done. I clean mine right after I juice and drink. Another trick to ease cleanup is to put a plastic grocery bag in your refuse container. It's one less thing to wash. Pick up and drop into trash or empty into compost bin.

4. Stability Counts - You don't want a juicer running around on your counter. The last thing you want is to juice two carrots or beets and have that end up on the counter and stain instead of in your juice container because the juicer isn't sturdy. This juicer held it's own against tough produce and I have never had issues.

5. Can it Juice Green? - By green, I mean can it handle leafy greens, which are a problem for most low-end juicers. Not this one. I juice spinach, red swiss chard and kale regularly. And stringy greens like celery as well. And it handles it all well.

6. Do I need to be a stud to handle this? - I've dealt with juicer scenarios where I had to use both arms and my body weight to push push push the produce through. Not this juicer. It gobbles up produce as I feed it in. Love that it's speedy and powerful.

So, don't think about it. Whether you're an all time juicer or a sometimes juicer, this is a great product for a good price.

PS: Centrifugal juicers do not heat up your produce any more than masticating juicers. There have been studies done on this. Look them up. Plus - a masticating juicer takes 20-30 mins to 'chew' through the fruit and veggies to make juice. That means the first piece of juice would have been oxidizing for 20-30 mins before I could drink it. So really - the centrifugal juicer is quick, saves you money, saves you time and is easy to clean.

Update: Dec 31st
I still love this juicer. I usually juice twice a day. It handles all produce well. The ONLY issue I have had is with juicing pineapples. It seems to leak a little underneath the plastic, probably because I am putting in a lot of the pineapple in at the same time. The overflow of juice inside the juicer as it is being poured out into the container probably accounts for the minor leakage. In other words, slow down when juicing a large quantity of a super juicy fruit or veggie(I juice an entire pineapple sometimes) by alternating with less juicy produce, or give the juicer an extra 5-10 seconds to empty itself into the container.

Update March 1st
Still loving it! :)

Update Nov 2nd
I've had several people ask so reporting that yes, I am still loving this juicer. :)

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Buy Breville JE98XL Juice Fountain Plus 850-Watt Juice Extractor Cheap

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