Frigidaire FAD504DWD Energy Star 50-pint Dehumidifier

Product Feature
- Protects your home from mold and mildew caused by excess moisture
- Helps eliminate bacteria in the air that can make breathing difficult
- Effortless humidity control allows you to control the exact percentage of humidity in your room
- Continuous operation is possible when unit is located near a suitable drain
- Effortless full tank alert system with auto shut-off
Product Description
Frigidaire FAD504DWD Energy Star 50-pint Dehumidifier Review
The humidity in my bedroom regularly goes above 60% in the winter, causing condensation and mold on the windows. After a rain, it's even worse. So I ordered this to help take care of the problem, which it does. The musty smell is gone, I sweat less, and everything feels drier and cleaner.This is a new model with Energy Star certification that replaces a similar model, the FAD504DUD. Consumer Reports gave that one a very high rating. From what I can tell, the only real difference is the lower energy usage, 530 watts compared to 615 watts in the old model. This gives it an efficiency of 530*24/50=254 watt-hours per pint of water extracted from the air (lower numbers are better).
Here's how it compares to the other new models:
FAD704DWD - 70 pints per day, 255 Watt-hours per pint
FAD504DWD - 50 pints per day, 254 Watt-hours per pint (this one)
FAD301NWD - 30 pints per day, 256 Watt-hours per pint
Here are the older models:
FAD704DUD - 70 pints per day, 262 Watt-hours per pint
FAD504DUD - 50 pints per day, 295 Watt-hours per pint
FAD301NUD - 30 pints per day, 360 Watt-hours per pint
Consumer Reports gave the highest possible rating to the energy efficiency of the older 70-pint model, and the second highest rating to the older 50-pint model. As you can see, all of the new models beat the older 70-pint model, at least according to the manufacturer's specifications.
Here are the real world energy usage numbers:
Compressor off, fan on high: 61.0W
Compressor off, fan on low: 52.1W
Compressor on, fan on high: 446W (Frigidaire's web site says 530W)
Compressor on, fan on low: 442W
It makes a little more noise than I was expecting, but it's white noise. The fan makes more noise than the compressor, even with the fan on low. Home Depot's web site says it creates 53 dB of noise. It's quieter than an ordinary dishwasher or a box fan on high. Switching the fan to low speed doesn't make it much quieter. On high speed, it really puts out a lot of air.
The dehumidifer contains a built-in digital hygrometer (humidity sensor), which shows the humidity in 5% intervals. 5% is fine because instant-read hygrometers aren't very accurate, anyway. If you program a target humidity level, the fan turns off a few minutes after the compressor. Another reviewer claimed the fan never turns off, but it's possible that the dehumidifier was never able to reduce the humidity level to the setpoint, and so the fan (and the compressor) stayed on constantly. It would be good if it had an LED to indicate whether the compressor is on, to avoid confusion (suggestion #1).
Also, it cycles quite frequently when it's trying to control humidity to a selected value. This is what it's doing right now as I type this:
T+00:00 - fan + compressor turns on
T+04:30 - compressor turns off
T+09:27 - fan turns off
T+10:50 - fan + compressor turns back on
As you can see, it's cycling almost six times per hour. This might be good for energy efficiency and air quality, but it makes it tough to sleep with one of these in the room. I wish I could tell it to cycle less frequently, no more than 2-3 times per hour (suggestion #2). In one of the comments attached to this review is a suggestion to relocate the humidity sensor outside of the unit. Another is to use an external humidity controller, like this one, but with a higher current rating compatible with this dehumidifier.
It would also be nice for bedrooms if it ramped the fan up before turning on the compressor so it doesn't wake me up when it turns on (suggestion #3).
Because instant-readout hygrometers are notoriously inaccurate, I recommend installing a separate one in the room to serve as a "second opinion." I'm using a Caliber III Thermometer/Hygrometer. The Abbeon AB-167 is supposed to be the best hygrometer, and the Taylor 5565 is a close second, if you calibrate them properly. You might also consider a sling psychromoter, which is more accurate than an instant-read hygrometer but not as convenient.
This dehumidifier peaks at 18.94 amps, so like a blow dryer or microwave or electric heater, you may need to be careful which circuit you put it on. Suggestion #4 is to add a capacitor to reduce that startup spike.
At 65-70 degrees and about 40% relative humidity, it took 10.5 hours to pull 6.3 pints of water out of the air. That's 0.60 pints per hour. (At higher humidity levels, it seems to be much more efficient.)
When it doesn't have to work very hard, when it's cycling on and off as it controls to a selected humidity level, it seems to have a cooling effect, but in continuous mode, after a while the exhaust turns warm.
The bucket holds 16.3 pints. It has a little window that shows the water level, but the number of pints isn't marked (suggestion #5). The handle seems a little flimsy for the amount of water the bucket is expected to hold, so that ought to be strengthened (suggestion #6).
Overall, I can say it does its job and so far I'm completely satisfied with my purchase. If I had to replace it, I hope the replacement will incorporate the suggestions I've listed in this review.
Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Frigidaire FAD504DWD Energy Star 50-pint Dehumidifier" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Frigidaire FAD504DWD Energy Star 50-pint Dehumidifier ...

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