Monday, May 2, 2011

Whynter BWR-281DZ Dual Zone Built-In Wine Refrigerator, 28-Bottle

Whynter BWR-281DZ Dual Zone Built-In Wine Refrigerator, 28-Bottle

Shock Sale Whynter BWR-281DZ Dual Zone Built-In Wine Refrigerator, 28-Bottle very cheapYou looking to find the "Whynter BWR-281DZ Dual Zone Built-In Wine Refrigerator, 28-Bottle" Good news! You can purchase Whynter BWR-281DZ Dual Zone Built-In Wine Refrigerator, 28-Bottle with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

Whynter BWR-281DZ Dual Zone Built-In Wine Refrigerator, 28-Bottle On Sale

Price: $600.41    Updated Price for Whynter BWR-281DZ Dual Zone Built-In Wine Refrigerator, 28-Bottle now
Purchase Whynter BWR-281DZ Dual Zone Built-In Wine Refrigerator, 28-Bottle low price

Product Feature

  • Total capacity of 28 wine bottles, 10 upper zone, 18 lower zone; adjustable thermostat for each zone
  • Stainless steel trimmed glass door with sleek black cabinet
  • Tempered double pane gray-smoked glass for enhanced UV protection
  • Six removable natural wood wire slide out shelves
  • Soft interior LED lights with on/off switches, includes security lock and key

Product Description

The Whynter Built-in under-counter wine refrigerator offers premium quality and innovative design ideal for your wine collecting needs. Whether for the enthusiast or the connoisseur, the Whynter built-in under-counter wine refrigerator provides affordable yet advanced wine storage functionality. Dual temperature zones are ideal for storing different wine varietals. The front ventilation design of this unit allows for flush with cabinet under-counter installation or freestanding usage.

Whynter BWR-281DZ Dual Zone Built-In Wine Refrigerator, 28-Bottle Review

As a previous Viking wine fridge owner, I've been spoiled. I wasn't expecting anything close given the fraction of the cost. I was duly pleased by what I got in this dual zone wine fridge.

The wine fridge shipped via freight which was a nice surprise. I would not have enjoyed receiving this delivery if had to get beat up by UPS package delivery. Scheduling the delivery ahead of time was also way more convenient than getting that annoying door tag when you miss the delivery. So it was off to a good start.

Packaging was plain but sturdy enough for the item. Handle bar had to be installed and was easy enough. Nice handle bar actually. Easy to grip with no sharp corners. The shelving is very very nice. It's wood trimmed metal shelving, which actually gives it more space in the interior. The shelves are fully removeable and I'm actually no using the bottom most shelf. I store my larger bottle on the bottom. Storage0wise it fits 28 750ml bottles with no problems. I'm actually surprised I a 15" dual zone unit could fit that many bottles. If you want to put larger bottles, just remove the bottom most shelf on either

The actual installation was easy enough and I actually had this put into my library/bar room. Fits well and appears to be ADA compliant with the height, not something I was specifically looking for but was fine with me. The lighting is very sleek. Never realized white LED lighting could look this fancy. Each zone has it's one lighting to it's adequately illuminated. Controls are easy enough and the display is fairly true to actuals based on some basic comparison I did with an oven thermometer. Both zones are pretty distinct and good at keeping their own set temps. The unit itself also runs fairly quiet. I do use the room as a study at times and have not noticed it running in the background. I did catch it cycling once, but it's for the most part subtle. Forgot to mention that the lock on the unit itself was a plus especially with teenagers in the house! The one negative I had was the clarity of the temperature display, slightly difficult to read in lowlight situations.

This is actually a interestingly premium type wine refrigerator that may not have every single refinement of your top end fridges but is certainly not lacking in style and performance. Given the relative price, this is actually a really decent buy.

Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Whynter BWR-281DZ Dual Zone Built-In Wine Refrigerator, 28-Bottle" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Whynter BWR-281DZ Dual Zone Built-In Wine Refrigerator, 28-Bottle ...

Buy Whynter BWR-281DZ Dual Zone Built-In Wine Refrigerator, 28-Bottle Cheap

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