Sunday, December 25, 2011

Omega VRT330HD Heavy Duty Vert Juicer, Pearl White

Omega VRT330HD Heavy Duty Vert Juicer, Pearl White

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Omega VRT330HD Heavy Duty Vert Juicer, Pearl White On Sale

Price: $324.95 $295.99   Updated Price for Omega VRT330HD Heavy Duty Vert Juicer, Pearl White now
Purchase Omega VRT330HD Heavy Duty Vert Juicer, Pearl White low price

Product Feature

  • Low speed vertical masticating juicer
  • Heavy duty auger
  • Fine screens
  • Auto cleaning system
  • Includes heavy duty juicing screen which is eight times stronger than other juice screens, perfect for everyday use.

Product Description

Make all types of juice and recipes
Easy-to-Use Controls
Easy to use controls

Omega VRT330HD Heavy Duty, Dual-Stage Vertical Juicer

Omega VRT330HD Juicer Parts
Easy to assemble and take a part for cleaning

The Omega VRT330HD vertical masticating style juicer features the high efficiency of a masticating style juicer in a vertical design. Sometimes referred to as a low speed juicer, the VRT processes at 80rpm, whereas most other juicers process at a speed of 1,650 to 15,000rpm. The low speed protects and maintains healthy enzymes, prevents oxidation and allows juice to be stored up to 72 hours without degradation. The VRT's dual stage juice processing system extracts the maximum amount of juice from fruits, vegetables, leafy greens, even wheatgrass!

Versatile and Easy to Use

The heavy duty juicing screen included is eight times stronger than other juice screens, making the juicer great for people juicing daily. The VRT330HD is compact and productive and easy to clean. The patented screw design of the auger is more efficient when squeezing and pressing ingredients to extract juice. The hopper is conveniently located at the top of the juicer. The VRT330HD comes with a pusher to push ingredients into the juicer. Easy to assemble, the hopper attaches to the bowl, which then attaches to the base. The VRT330HD also features two spouts and two 64-ounce containers -- one for fresh juice and one for pulp ejection. You can also pour water through the chute to self clean the juicer when changing ingredients. The VRT330HD is compact, taking up very little space on your countertop. This versatile juicer is also easy to clean. The innovative cleaning system wipes the screen clear during juicing, increasing the VRT330HD's efficiency.

Additional Features

Hopper and Pusher
  • Juicer processes at 80rpm's, squeezing instead of grinding. This allows the juice to maintain its pure color, natural taste, vitamins and nutrients.
  • Small, vertical footprint takes up less space in your kitchen.
  • Dual stage juicer. First, juice is extracted by crushing the fruit or vegetable. Then, before the pulp is ejected, the pulp is squeezed during the second pressed stage. This results in a higher yield of juice and a very dry pulp.
  • Economical since the juicer is so efficient and productive, you'll get the greatest amount of nutrient rich juice from the least amount of fruits, vegetables, leafy greens such as spinach and kale, even wheatgrass.
  • Includes 1 juicing screens, fine. Fine for those that like less pulp.
  • The low speed system limits froth and foam preventing oxidation. Juice can be stored for up to 72 hours without degradation or juice separation.
  • Auto cleaning system wipes the screen clean to increase efficiency. You can also save time by pouring water through the chute to self clean the juicer when changing ingredients.
  • Three easy settings: On, Off and Reverse. Reverse is an option to use when something is stuck or you need to unclog.
  • Over-sized spout serves up drinks easily.

Omega VRT330HD Heavy Duty Vert Juicer, Pearl White Review

The first impression.
Let me start off by saying the construction of this machine is impressive. There was not a flimsy piece of plastic on the entire machine. The entire set-up is heavy gauge plastic, the machine easily reflects the $350 price tag, no questions asked. The machine is a lot heavier than most kitchen appliances, which is not a bad a thing. The machine was easy to clean and easy to assemble.

To use this juicer you will need to cut up the produce, such as beets, apples, anything large and round. You need to cut them up anyway with your 3" shoot on the centrifugal juicer, most apples don't fit and the larger beats don't either. I use the apple corer/cuter from Pampered Chef, you can use it for the beets as well. Carrots fit fine, I could see some of the very large carrots needing to be cut.

The juicing operation is fast and effort less. They give you a pusher but you will not need it. The machine's design automatically pulls the produce into the hopper. All you need to do if feed the machine. The machine is extremely quiet, such a relief when I first turned it on, it almost sounds like a can opener but quieter. It's pretty simple, the produce gets crushed by the auger then pressed against the top metal mesh filter ring, then squeezed more then pressed against the bottom filter ring (there is one filter that consists of a top metal filter about an inch of plastic separating then a bottom ring, check the picture to get a better idea). There is also a outer self cleaning cover over the filter with three sets of three squiggy things one for the top filter, one for the bottom filter and one large one for the outer case. This thing cleans itself as it works, pour some water in the machine between juicing and it removes the remnants of what you just juiced, getting it ready for your next produce. Don't get me wrong this thing does not literally clean itself but the self cleaning mechanism makes it simple to clean at the end of juicing. The juice is separated from the pulp and flows out a spout in the bottom front of the machine and the pulp gets pushed out a shoot on the bottom side, it's actually pretty cool to watch, there is very little juice left in the pulp, much more efficient than the 3 models I tried.

Quality of the juice.
They advertise that by squeezing the produce you get a better tasting juice with more vitamins. I was skeptical when I read it. When I took my first sip of carrot juice I could tell the difference immediately. I couldn't figure out how to describe it though, it's both juice from a carrot, how can one taste so different. This might not make sense but this is how I will describe the taste difference. The juice from the centrifugal machines taste as if it was watered down compared to the juice from the Omega Vert. When I took my first sip of apple juice, there was no comparisons, the taste was so crisp and fresh, actually like taking a bite from an apple. I was amazed at the difference.

Orange juice from every juicer I have used never tasted like the fresh squeezed store bought juice, With the Omega Vert it does, same consistency with no separation, the separation you see in the glass of juice from a centrifugal juicer is what gives it the watered down taste. I am not knocking the juice that comes from other machines but to understand what I am saying you need to find away to taste the juice this machine puts out. I guarantee you will instantly taste the difference as I have and have an entire different outlook on juicing. I guess the high rpm's actually cause flavor to be lost, my theory is the shredding and spinning not the heat as others say, the machine spins so quickly that most of the liquid that escapes is water that is missing most of the vitamins, sugars, flavor and fibers. The Omega Vert operates at very low rmp's, and squeezes instead of shreds and spins

The one thing Omega did say was that there is no froth to the juice as it is squeezed and not spun, this was not true. There was very little froth compared to centrifugal models but it is present, but as I said there is no visible separation of the juice and it tastes absolutely fantastic.

This juicer is expensive, but from what I have seen on my first day it is worth it just on construction alone, plus it comes with a 10 year FULL warranty, if anything breaks it is replaced. I have not dealt with their customer service department that much, I did asks them two questions via e-mail and it took 24 hours for a reply, but that's normal. They did ship the juicer out within 7 days which is good for a manufacturer. I hope I never have to deal with them enough to write about it in a review.

If juicing is a lifestyle to you then this is the juicer for you, hands down. It takes a little bit longer to prepare produce and clean the machine, add up that total extra time between this juicer and a centrifugal one and your only looking at a 5 minute difference. It all depends on how you prepare and what handy kitchen tools you have. I have only used this machine once but I have been juicing long enough to know a good thing when I see it. I want to submit this review because there are very few out there. From what I have seen with the quality the juice I am convinced I found my juicer. Only time will tell regarding to the machines durability and reliability, but as I said this thing is built like a tank and has a 10 year full warranty.

If you are going to purchase this juicer than purchase it through Omega's website, [...] , they offer a 30 day money back guarantee. Amazon does not carry this juicer so you will not get their guarantee, every site selling on Amazon only excepts returns where the box has not been opened and the machine has never used plus add on to that a hefty restocking fee. I like shopping with the little guy but that is crazy. I like purchasing Amazon when I can as they have never done wrong by me but it was unfortunate they didn't carry this.

I normally don't leave a review at least a good review until I have used the product for at least two weeks, sometimes more. There are very little reviews out there of this juicer out there and it needs more as it is worth it. I have fallen in love with this thing and am convinced this thing is golden. I just want others out there to make sure they are aware I have only used this once , I used carrots, beets, oranges and celery on this all with great results and great performance. If you check You Tube you can find videos of demonstrations and comparisons with other machines. Checkout the Alive and aware site or Ferns, both sell this juicer on Amazon, they have good info and videos. Also try they have good info as well. Just remember if you buy and want a 30 day guarantee return policy buy from

Hope this helps.

Update 4/14/2011. I have used this juicer for close to 2 years now and just wanted to let you know it still works just as good as it did the day I first used it. This is absolutely a great juicer.

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