Friday, March 9, 2012

Dylos DC1100 Pro air quality monitor

Dylos DC1100 Pro air quality monitor

Shock Sale Dylos DC1100 Pro air quality monitor very cheapYou looking to find the "Dylos DC1100 Pro air quality monitor" Good news! You can purchase Dylos DC1100 Pro air quality monitor with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

Dylos DC1100 Pro air quality monitor On Sale

Price: $260.99    Updated Price for Dylos DC1100 Pro air quality monitor now
Purchase Dylos DC1100 Pro air quality monitor low price

Product Feature

  • Indoor air quality monitor
  • detects particles down to 0.5 microns
  • Only for use with 110V
  • LCD screen display

Product Description

A true Laser Particle Counter with 2 size ranges - small (bacteria, mold, etc) large (pollen, etc.) DC1100 features technology and engineering that allows monitoring of indoor air quality with an LCD screen that provides small and large particle counts with a dynamic bar graph showing actual count reading. Multiple modes including minute, hour, day and monitor to evaluate your air quality and store up to 30 days of air quality history for review. DC1100 Pro has all the features of the standard DC1100 but with increased lower sensitivity - detecting particles down to 0.5 micron. The large particle size range is calibrated to 2.5 microns and above. Color: Black Dimensions: h 7 in x w 4.5 in x d 3 in Total Weight: 2.5 lb

Dylos DC1100 Pro air quality monitor Review

I honestly can't remember if I bought my unit from this particular seller, or from another...But I've now had my unit for several years. I have Cough Variant Asthma (A yucky kind of asthma that can make you cough so hard you crack a rib...not fun). I began to notice a correlation between dust in the air and my asthma symptoms, and allergy counts and my asthma. I wanted to buy air cleaners, but they're so expensive...are they really worth it? Well, I finally reached a point that I was ready to MANAGE this asthma, regardless what it took - it was destroying my quality of life.

So...I ripped out all my carpeting and put in a hardwood floor. I bought a very good IQ Air air cleaner (I highly recommend these, by the way). I started using high-end air filters in my house (I now use Filtrete Elite Allergen 2200 air filters in my home heating/AC system).

The laser particle sensor shown here - the Dylos product - was instrumental in helping me figure all this out!! I have the more sensitive unit (down to 0.5 micron size). I was initially told by my allergist that a particle counter might help me figure all this out, but a good one costs $12,000. I started digging on the web, and I couldn't believe my eyes when this Dylos product popped up! I had been spending hundreds of dollars on medications, not to mention lost buying this was a no-brainer.

I quickly figured out my personal thresholds. If the unit is measuring 300 or more, then I'd better start doing something because it was going to make my asthma flair up. Usually this means changing my home HVAC filters (in the summer here in Austin, the AC runs constantly, so they can need changing once a month - if I forget, my Dylos tells me :-). Or, I can crank up my IQ Air air cleaner until the count drops. I can usually get the air quality down to the 50 parts per million count - if it stays around that point, I know I'm safe. You'll get a feel very quickly for what the counts are telling you.

As far as using the product, it's brain-dead-easy. Plug it in, turn it on - it tells you the air quality. When I hold it near my IQ Air air cleaner, the count drops as you'd expect. If it's in the kitchen and someone burns toast, the count skyrockets, as you'd expect.

I have no way of knowing if the count it is showing is TRULY 100% accurate (they have data on their website showing how it compares to a really expensive professional unit - they claim it's accurate. I obviously don't have an expensive unit to compare it to - BUT, to me that doesn't matter. It definitely tells me when I need to take action for my health.

One thing to point out - the unit uses a small fan to pull air through the unit. It's not loud at all (much much quieter than an air purifier, for example), but it's not totally silent.

If you leave the unit on, it will constantly monitor the air quality, or you can set it to turn on and take a measurement now and then. I leave it on when I'm actively trying to get the count down, then I tend to turn it off - maybe turning it on every now and then to do a check. I suppose I could be better about using some of the automation built in and have it do this automatically, but I haven't taken the trouble to set this up (it's probably not hard).

If you have asthma like I do, I really can't tell you how liberating this has been - to be able to actively MEASURE the air that I'm breathing and KNOW if it's safe or making me sick - THEN, to be able to DO something if it's not clean (turn on my IQ Air, change the air filters, etc). It's HUGE!!

My asthma is much much better controlled now. I unfortunately had my first attack last week, but that's the first one in 18 months (they were happening every 2-3 months before).

So, if you can't tell, I highly recommend this product!

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