Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Euroflex Monster EZ2 Steam Cleaner

Euroflex Monster EZ2 Steam Cleaner

Shock Sale Euroflex Monster EZ2 Steam Cleaner very cheapYou looking to find the "Euroflex Monster EZ2 Steam Cleaner" Good news! You can purchase Euroflex Monster EZ2 Steam Cleaner with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

Euroflex Monster EZ2 Steam Cleaner On Sale

Price: $114.99    Updated Price for Euroflex Monster EZ2 Steam Cleaner now
Purchase Euroflex Monster EZ2 Steam Cleaner low price

Product Feature

  • Steam boost technology - constant steam level
  • Clean Blast AntiBak for absolyute hygiene
  • Uses ordinary tap water
  • Simple to control & ready in 3 minutes
  • Ergonomic handle

Product Description

Keeping your house clean can be a never ending chore, but it's easier with the new Monster EZ2 SuperClean Floor steam cleaner and sanitizer. Super powerful, versatile, and incredibly easy to use. Designed specifically to steam clean floors, the versatile EZ2 SuperClean is a steam mop for hard floors and a specialised cleaner for carpets and rugs. It makes light work of ceramic tiles, vinyl, sealed wood, laminated floors and linoleum. With the carpet sledge fitted it is a quick, easy and effective cleaner for carpets and rugs. As a steam cleaner it can clean without the use of smelly harsh chemicals, and using just ordinary tap water. Steam away dirt, grease, grime, mildew and mould. EZ2 SuperClean has a hidden secret - like all the SuperClean range it uses, Clean Blast AntiBak a powerful residual biocide that boosts the sanitizing power, protecting cleaned areas from bacterial and fungal re-infection for seven days. Helping to protect your environment and your family from aggressive bacteria like MRSA, E-coli and Listeria, and viruses like H1N1 Swine Flu. Clean Blast AntiBak is biodegradable when diluted by rinsing or further steam cleaning. If you have young children, animals, elderly or infirm family members, or if you simply want to reduce the chance of infection from viruses, bacteria, germs and fungal infections, then you can't afford not to own Monster EZ2 SuperClean.

Euroflex Monster EZ2 Steam Cleaner Review

Euroflex Monster EZ2 puts my Shark Steam Mop to shame!

I really thought my grout and tile were clean, but now I know what it should look like. We thought the grout was brown, one quick cleaning with the EZ2 showed us that the grout is actually a light tan.

I can't believe the difference in results or ease of use! Mopping time has been cut down to 30 minutes for five rooms of white ceramic tile, even with 4 pugs with perpetually muddy feet.

EZ2's light weight makes cleaning a breeze. I am disabled and mopping used to be a painful activity. Now I mop daily with ease. You only have to go over a spot/section (even heavily soiled areas) once not dozens of time.

This machine is so effective and efficient that I only use the clean blast or front steam around the door thresholds. The EZ2's steam output is superior to any mop out there.

It doesn't get under the counters as well as the Shark due to it's high profile but that one drawback is meaningless when my floors are sparkling clean, sanitized, and germ free.

The EZ2 has EARNED our highest rating. I got mine for a little under $40.00. I paid more than twice as much for the Shark. If it wasn't for the under counter flaw, I would throw my Shark in the trash.

If you don't have a steam mop, I'd recommend the Euroflex Monster EZ2 over any mop on the market!

My Shark stopped working a year or more ago but this gem shows no sign of ever wearing out, clogging up or giving me anything but years of faithful service. I recommended it before but now that I have roughly 2 years of use I'm even more enthusiastic in recommending this even though the price has increased considerably. You not only won't be sorry, you will be absolutely delighted with this mop.

Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Euroflex Monster EZ2 Steam Cleaner" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Euroflex Monster EZ2 Steam Cleaner ...

Buy Euroflex Monster EZ2 Steam Cleaner Cheap

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