Friday, May 4, 2012

Danby Premiere DDR30A1GP 30 pint dehumidifier - Euro Grey

Danby Premiere DDR30A1GP 30 pint dehumidifier - Euro Grey

Shock Sale Danby Premiere DDR30A1GP 30 pint dehumidifier - Euro Grey very cheapYou looking to find the "Danby Premiere DDR30A1GP 30 pint dehumidifier - Euro Grey" Good news! You can purchase Danby Premiere DDR30A1GP 30 pint dehumidifier - Euro Grey with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

Danby Premiere DDR30A1GP 30 pint dehumidifier - Euro Grey On Sale

Price: $167.03    Updated Price for Danby Premiere DDR30A1GP 30 pint dehumidifier - Euro Grey now
Purchase Danby Premiere DDR30A1GP 30 pint dehumidifier - Euro Grey low price

Product Feature

  • 30 pint Energy Star rated dehumidifier covers approvimately 2,000 sq.ft.
  • Direct drain option for continuous operation
  • Non ozone depleting refrigerant
  • Electronic controls and digitial keypad with LED display
  • Low temperature operation and auto restart feature

Product Description

30 pint Energy Star rated dehumidifier covers approvimately 2,000 sq.ft.

Danby Premiere DDR30A1GP 30 pint dehumidifier - Euro Grey Review

Seller (Aim To Find) did not want to let me return this though I had it less than 48 hours. Amazon emailed them, now they will let me return it for $83.16! The seller emailed me this: "25% restocking fee and original shipping costs deducted from the return. The product does not state that it has an auto shut off feature when the humidity is reached."

There is no mention in the item description of the fan running continuously but it comes with a large sticker on the front saying "the fan never turns off unless the dehumidifier is off" in huge red letters so it is obviously an issue people keep contacting the manufacturer about. I would call this a design defect.

So, it has a useless electronic panel that allows you to set the desired humidity but it does not turn off--ever! I've used dehumidifiers for the past 30 years I have never heard of this (I live in a damp climate). They ALWAYS turn on and off according to the humidity in the room. So I ignored the sticker thinking it must be poorly worded. I set it to 40% humidity, the house reached that level but then the thing just ran for hours and hours until I turned it off. In a few hours the humidity was climbing again. There is essentially no thermostat. It makes no sense. If you don't care about electricity use, or an appliance continually running for no reason, or fan noise 24/7, this will work for you.

I will never purchase a high priced item again without getting in writing how much it will cost to return if broken/defective/designed by idiots. A very expensive lesson. I regret not purchasing at Home Depo where returns are free.

Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Danby Premiere DDR30A1GP 30 pint dehumidifier - Euro Grey" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Danby Premiere DDR30A1GP 30 pint dehumidifier - Euro Grey ...

Buy Danby Premiere DDR30A1GP 30 pint dehumidifier - Euro Grey Cheap

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