Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Samsung Bagless Canister Vacuum - Electric Blue

Samsung Bagless Canister Vacuum - Electric Blue

Shock Sale Samsung Bagless Canister Vacuum - Electric Blue very cheapYou looking to find the "Samsung Bagless Canister Vacuum - Electric Blue" Good news! You can purchase Samsung Bagless Canister Vacuum - Electric Blue with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

Samsung Bagless Canister Vacuum - Electric Blue On Sale

Price: $199.00    Updated Price for Samsung Bagless Canister Vacuum - Electric Blue now
Purchase Samsung Bagless Canister Vacuum - Electric Blue low price

Product Feature

  • Samsung Super TwinChamber Vacuum System
  • Bagless
  • Power Brush
  • TwinChamber Vacuum System
  • 2-year warranty
  • 15-inch motorized Power Brush, with fingertip controls, has 5 height adjustments
  • 23-foot cord length with automatic cord reel
  • Includes parquet brush and 2-in-1 brush (crevice/duster)
  • Quiet technology less noise from innovative design

Product Description

Samsung Bagless Canister Vacuum-Electric Blue

Samsung Bagless Canister Vacuum - Electric Blue Review

I picked up this vacuum because I needed something that was bagless, had a good beater bar, and could travel under beds. We have a queen bed in one room and bunks in another, so moving them around is a major operation. Our Eureka upright can't go under those spaces, only it's external hose with passive attachment. And so the cat hairs collect under the beds.

Starting this vacuum up, I noticed it is much quieter than my upright. And it has plenty of suction in the power head and swivels well when doing open carpet. But there are some quirks to this vacuum.

The user manual says to park the power-head-assembly-with-tube-thingy by attaching to the canister in one of two places. I find this inconvenient. First, both are black, and now that I'm getting older, my vision is dimming and it's harder to see things, especially in black. And there's no easy way to just slap the power head to the canister and have something self-guide it in. You must have excellent eye sight and good dexterity. But let's assume we park it, and we want to pull out the power cord to plug it in....can't! In one position, the canister sits on top of the power cord, in the other, the power head blocks the power cord. The power head won't stay upright on it's own, and so of course the power head must fall to the ground while I plug it in. Seems clumsy.

I actually thought that this was somewhat of a mini canister vacuum. Do not be mislead. The powerhead is just as big as any other canister vacuum, in fact, I thought my old Hoover canister vaccuum's power head was slight lower in height than this Samsung power head. But that's only a minor issue.

Lighter than my old Hoover canister, but not super light. If you have issues with weight and are looking for something as light as a battery-powered vacuum, this isn't it.

Dirt container:
It collects the dirt and cat fur, but static electricity causes cat fur to collect on the outside too.

Besides the power head, there's just the edge tool with little brush that attaches. I wish Samsung had put a place on the canister or hose or somewhere to hold it. What am I supposed to do, put it in a pocket or something and pull it out as needed when I'm vacuuming? Not to mention it will probably get misplaced (or the wife will wonder where I "hid" it).

Power Head:
There's an adjustable height switch on the power head that is activated by pressing with the foot. 1,2,3,4,5. The lowest is 1, and on my lower berber carpet, the powerhead suddenly pulls forward very strongly like an untrained dog pulling me in excitement over a squirrel. On cut pile, the 1 setting is okay. Setting 5 is the highest and weakest.

Supposedly if the power head jams, it will stop turning. There's a little red spot for pushing a small object to reset the power head. The manual recommends using a pen, but won't that just put ink on that red spot?

There's an adjustable suction control, which toggles through three settings I think. You can do this from the hose handle (which requires 2 AAA batteries, by the way..to communicate to the main canister via radio waves). The suction toggle is confusing because there's no indicator anywhere as to how strong the suction is. And it goes in one direction only then wraps around--there's no less-suction button vs. more-suction button. Just one button. And so I'm trying to guess the suction power by how much the lights dim in the room or how high-pitched the vacuum motor is whining.

Now the metal tube from the power head to the hose handle is telescoping and adjustable. This is great! I was all happy at the thought of how far under the bed I could push the power head. Until I tried it. The power head won't vacuum the cat fur up from under the bed. What?!?!? Turns how that when I put the hose handle all the way to the floor, the joint where the suction tube meets the power head won't allow the power head to sit flush on the carpet. And so the front of the power head, where the beater bar resides, lifts up into the air. This is a MAJOR DESIGN FLAW. So now I'm left wondering if I can take the power head apart and somehow modify it to let it go flush with the carpet, because otherwise the $279 I spent at NewEgg will be a waste.

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