Saturday, July 14, 2012

Keurig Mini Plus Personal Coffee Brewer - Yellow

Keurig Mini Plus Personal Coffee Brewer - Yellow

Shock Sale Keurig Mini Plus Personal Coffee Brewer - Yellow very cheapYou looking to find the "Keurig Mini Plus Personal Coffee Brewer - Yellow" Good news! You can purchase Keurig Mini Plus Personal Coffee Brewer - Yellow with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

Keurig Mini Plus Personal Coffee Brewer - Yellow On Sale

Price: $119.99 $109.00   Updated Price for Keurig Mini Plus Personal Coffee Brewer - Yellow now
Purchase Keurig Mini Plus Personal Coffee Brewer - Yellow low price

Product Feature

  • Removable Drip Tray
  • 6 K-Cup Portion Packs Included
  • LED Indicator
  • Cord Storage
  • Compact Size

Product Description

Personalize your coffee experience with this Keurig MINI Plus personal coffee brewer. Please note: this brewer is not compatible with Keurig Vue packs. Uses Keurig K-Cup Portion Packs only.

Keurig Mini Plus Personal Coffee Brewer - Yellow Review

UPDATE: After 6 Months of use and 300 plus cups:

Still works well.

*****Original Review Below *****

Works well.

The only minor issue I had is the use of cold water, or really the lack of instructions saying not to use real cold water. I found the brewer will just shut off in a few minutes after the brew button flashed. I looked at the troubleshooting section and this was not mentioned. If I use cool or room temp water I do not have the issue. If that bit of information is mentioned somewhere in the instructions - I missed it when I DID NOT READ the instructions...skimmed would be more accurate.

Product works well after 30 cups made with K-cups and K-cup filter basket with my own coffee.

Footprint = takes up about the same counter space as my Cuisinart 12 cup coffee maker - just a bit shorter
Cord Storage = a cavity in back to shove the cord in and rip it out. These cavities are always a little tight on all products. I use a cable clamp to keep the cord secure when stored. (Those Orange clamps at Home Depot)

Positives - 3 min Brew time. Good coffee.
Negatives -I wish it was a tad taller. Even without the overflow tray I cannot get a normal height travel mug underneath - minor complaint- I wasn't going to send it back to spend more $$ to get a taller one

Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Keurig Mini Plus Personal Coffee Brewer - Yellow" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Keurig Mini Plus Personal Coffee Brewer - Yellow ...

Buy Keurig Mini Plus Personal Coffee Brewer - Yellow Cheap

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