Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Breville BDC550XL The YouBrew Glass Drip Coffee Maker

Breville BDC550XL The YouBrew Glass Drip Coffee Maker

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Breville BDC550XL The YouBrew Glass Drip Coffee Maker On Sale

Price: $249.95 $225.00   Updated Price for Breville BDC550XL The YouBrew Glass Drip Coffee Maker now
Purchase Breville BDC550XL The YouBrew Glass Drip Coffee Maker low price

Product Feature

  • Non-capsule system brews up to 9 different individual cup sizes (including 3 travel mug sizes) and up to a 12 Cup carafe
  • 7 adjustable strength and 5 adjustable flavor settings in single cup mode allow you to find the perfect match to your individual taste
  • Brew IQ doses the right amount of coffee with the right amount of water while heating water to the optimum temperature
  • 0.5 lb bean hopper and integrated burr grinder
  • Carafe warming plate with auto shut-off after 2 hours

Product Description

Why the Breville YouBrew?

Most drip machines simply drip water over the coffee grounds to make coffee, but coffee needs to be steeped in hot water for full-bodied taste. The Breville YouBrew began with the question: how do you brew the perfect cup of coffee from a drip coffee machine?

The Breville YouBrew makes it possible for you to make your ideal cup of coffee with its unique coffee brewing system. In the single cup mode, the Breville YouBrew holds the coffee and water together for a stronger, more flavorful cup. The process is similar to how a French Press coffeemaker works, which allows the coffee and water to steep together for 4 minutes before drinking. This gives you more control over the flavor of your coffee. Simply choose your favorite bean and roast, choose your preferred strength, and choose your ideal flavor profile, and the YouBrew ��s intelligent Brew IQ system does the rest. Your choice, your coffee nirvana, Breville’s YouBrew.

This is how the Breville YouBrew stands apart: it simplifies coffee-making but still makes it possible for you to customize your perfect cup.


A single-serve coffee machine that can multi-task

Single-serve coffee machines have made brewing coffee more convenient, but many of them don �t offer much flexibility in cup size, steeping time, or the amount of grounds used (especially if you’re using pre-manufactured coffee pods). The YouBrew navigates all the variables that make the perfect cup of coffee, from customizing brew strength (by adjusting the amount of coffee grounds used) and flavor (by varying the steeping time) to measuring and heating the right amount of water.

You� re also not limited to just one cup of coffee; the YouBrew can be used to brew both single-cup servings and multi-cup servings. The Breville YouBrew can brew from around 7.5 oz up to 12 cups of coffee, ensuring that you� ll never have more—or less� coffee than you need. No matter how much water or how many coffee beans you put in the machine, you can adjust the amount of coffee made since the YouBrew measures the volume of water and beans used before making each batch. No more arguments over the last cup, no more wasted coffee. You can brew into a cup, travel mug, or carafe� the YouBrew makes it easy no matter the size.

Coffee how you like it...

People who love coffee know what they love: whether it ��s strong, bold, smooth, or delicate, coffee aficionados have their preferences. How can one coffee machine cater to their needs? The YouBrew allows you to adjust the strength and flavor profile of your single-cup serving. Seven different strength settings from mild to strong to intense and a choice of five different flavor profiles from light to bold give you more control over how much flavor is extracted from the grounds. Based on your preferences, the YouBrew adjusts the volume of coffee beans ground and the steeping time needed for your perfect cup. Don �t know what you like, or change your mind frequently? With the YouBrew, you can experiment with different strengths and flavors until you find the one that� �s just right for you.

...Coffee when you want it

Some like it hot, some like it even hotter� �and with the YouBrew thermal carafe, even coffee from the pot several hours old is still hot. Brew a pot when you get up and you can keep drinking it all morning. Not a morning person? The YouBrew can be programmed to start making coffee at a specific time, making it easy to get started in the morning. Simply program it the night before, make sure that it is full of water and coffee beans, and coffee will be waiting for you when you get up. The YouBrew� �s built-in burr grinder measures out and grinds the amount of beans necessary for the size and strength that you� �ve selected, so no matter when you brew it, your coffee is as fresh as possible (though it’s still an option to use pre-ground coffee, if that� s your preference). If you� re in a hurry when you� re making a carafe of coffee, the Brew Pause feature allows you to pour a cup for yourself in the middle of the brew cycle so you don’t have to wait for the whole carafe to finish. It’s coffee that ��s ready to go when you are.

Designed with the consumer in mind

Save money with the YouBrew: the YouBrew was designed to deliver freshly brewed coffee with none of the added cost (or waste) of coffee pods, so it's friendly to your pocket and the environment. The YouBrew is made from attractive stainless steel, making it not only durable but beautiful. Though taller than the average coffee machine to accommodate the burr grinder, the YouBrew can brew into a variety of cups, including tall travel mugs. And even with the YouBrew �s numerous options, it is easy to use. The blue back-lit LCD display is intuitive to use, showing size, strength, and flavor preferences in addition to the amount of water left in the reservoir and the time left until brewing is complete. The YouBrew is also easy to clean, reminding you to clean the filter and notifying you when it is necessary to go through the cleaning process of descaling. Coffee has never been simpler: enter your favorite settings and a fresh cup of coffee is literally a button push away.

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Product Features

  1. Built-in burr grinder grinds the perfect amount of beans for your preferred coffee strength, so your coffee is as fresh as possible every time you brew. A cleaning brush for cleaning the grinds chute (stored under the hopper), and a removable grinds catcher makes cleanup easy.
  2. Easy-fill water tank. Red float shows when the tank is full, and the amount of water in the tank is displayed on the LCD screen.
  3. LCD display with easy-to-understand graphics informs you of the phase of the brewing cycle (pre-heating, steeping, or brewing), counts down the brewing time, shows the amount of water in the tank, and notifies you if the machine needs to be cleaned.
  4. Single cup or carafe buttons allow you to choose the amount of coffee brewed, from around 7.5 oz. to 12 cups
  5. Adjustable brew strength and flavor profile, to tailor each cup to your specifications
  6. Autostart program allows you to program the YouBrew Glass to automatically start brewing your coffee in the morning
  7. Gold foil filter is included with the machine, but a paper filter can be used as well
  8. 12-cup glass carafe is included with the machine for larger servings. Built-in warming plate keeps the carafe warm after brewing.
  9. All the materials that come in contact with coffee or water are guaranteed to be BPA free

Your coffee, your way

Built-in burr grinder for freshly ground beans everytime
You pick the beans and roast. The YouBrew’s integrated burr grinder grinds your choice of beans just prior to brewing for maximum freshness, flavor, and aroma� or you can turn the grinder off and use pre-ground coffee.
Brew into one cup, a travel mug, or a carafe--whatever fits your needs
You pick the size. When it comes to coffee size, oftentimes it's one size fits none. The YouBrew offers you full flexibility: pick either a carafe (for entertaining) or brew directly into one cup (for one person). The Brew IQ system will intelligently choose the right amount of ground coffee and the right amount of water—at the right temperature� �according to your preferences.
Change strength and flavor using the intuitive display
You pick the brew strength and flavor profile. Pick your strength, choosing from seven settings from mild to intense to vary the amount of beans ground and used. Pick your flavor, choosing from five settings from light to bold, to vary the steeping time of the coffee and water.

Breville BDC550XL The YouBrew Glass Drip Coffee Maker Review

I first started looking into expensive coffee makers when my wife said she wanted something more convenient. We had been using the Bodum Bistro Electric Burr Coffee Grinder, Black, the Cuisinart CPK-17 PerfecTemp 1.7-Liter Stainless Steel Cordless Electric Kettle and the Chemex Coffee Maker 8 Cup Classic to make our coffee. I can't say enough good about that combination of products and the quality of coffee it consistently produced, but it had its negatives, too.

We were timing up the usage of 3 different devices, it was a bit of a chemistry experiment to get the coffee/water ratio just right, there's definitely a (slightly difficult) technique when doing a pour-over method, and it required us to be standing there during the entire 15 minute-or-so process. Doesn't sound like a huge deal, but it was admittedly just too much work, especially when rushing around at 6am. We needed something to get the job done right semi-automatically and the Breville YouBrew fit the bill.

::::: SINGLE CUP :::::

The single-cup mode works great. You choose from one of many sizes, choose from 5 flavor settings and 7 strength settings (type of taste versus how much of the taste). I wish the sizes displayed the ounces instead of arbitrary "Regular" or "Extra Large". The booklet tells you how many ounces each of these settings are, but that seems like an unnecessary step.

::::: CARAFE :::::

I thought you could, just like with the single-cup, choose how much coffee you want to brew. You cannot. The carafe mode brews using every bit of water you currently have in the reservoir and uses the appropriate amount of beans for that amount. It's not a huge deal, but I initially thought the water reservoir was more like the bean hopper, holding excess and only using what you want. Not a big deal. You can only choose the strength setting, not the flavor profile as with the single-cup.

::::: FILLING :::::

The hopper only holds about .5 lb of coffee beans, but that's okay; it will ensure that you don't have old beans in the reserve. The hopper's lid has a nice air-tight seal to lock in freshness. The water filling door opens slowly to reveal an odd, unit-width cavity to pour water into. The only problem is, the opening to the actual 60 oz. reservoir is all the way on the right, making it a little difficult for right-handed people to pour into. Any excess water that pours to the left of the opening is caught in the cavity, but it doesn't slope down or anything, which means you need to tilt the entire unit to the right to get the water to fall in.

::::: WATER :::::

I didn't read the fine-print in the manual; you cannot use distilled water with this unit. It uses an optical sensor to detect how much water is in there, so it technically shouldn't be able to see truly distilled water (sensors like that can only see impurities in the water, not the water itself). It's too bad, really. Using "drinking" water means that there are impurities in there, like minerals and sediment, which add taste, albeit slight or even unnoticeable. It may be necessary, however, as 0-TDS (perfectly pure) water is actually corrosive to some materials, which means it would potentially eat the plastics and metals in the coffee maker.

::::: GRINDER :::::

I don't know all of the reasoning, but from what I understand, conical burr grinders produce the best grounds for extraction, and this has a ceramic one built right in. Breville has calculated the right ground size for this brewing method and grinds to that size. Some people are disappointed that you can't adjust the ground size, but I don't see a reason to. I figure they know the process better that me and I bought this for convenience, not modding.

Many people complain about the volume of the grinder. Make no mistake, it's VERY loud, but that's never an issue for me. It's only slightly louder than my Bodum grinder and it seems like a dumb complaint anyway. it lasts for like 15 seconds. Get over it.

::::: FILTER & BASKET :::::

The included metal filter is nice, I suppose, but I don't like it. It allows coffee grounds through to the coffee, which I hate. Luckily, you can use your own paper filters to avoid this problem. I use Melitta Basket Coffee Filters, Natural Brown (8 to 12-Cup), 200-Count Filters (Pack of 8) (recommended). I find that the paper produces a smoother, less bitter tasting coffee than the metal filter and hey, no grounds in my coffee!

The basket completely removes from the unit to dispose of the filter and clean it out. I love that it's completely removable. I'm a bit of a germaphobe (my dad is a microbiologist), so I understand the importance of thoroughly cleaning, rinsing and drying things like that between uses. Stagnant moisture attracts mold and bacteria... yuck. The thing I DON'T love about it is that the basket is actually kind of a pain to clean. The grounds really clump up each time and while they aren't hard to wash out, the filter basket has so many tight spots, small ridges, tiny ribs and slots that it's hard to physically scrub and dry. And you need to do this between every use. Even if you don't care about bacteria, if moisture and old grounds are in there, that will really mess with your next brew cycle.


The glass carafe is just great. It pours very nicely, never spilling a drop. Many times, carafes dribble down the front as you finish pouring and this somehow completely avoids it. It also cleans easily, being mostly glass and having a wide mouth.

The warming plate kicks on immediately and runs for 2 hours after brewing (the display shows a countdown until it shuts off). You can't shut off the screen without shutting the unit and plate off; not a big deal, just saying. The plate is actually too hot for my taste. I guess I appreciate that it keeps it drinkably hot for so long, but it nearly cooks the coffee. One time in particular, we poured all coffee but a few ounces. Several hours later, the warming plate shut off but it was too late. The coffee was completely burned up, gone, just leaving a nasty, burnt film on the bottom of the carafe. Once again, the carafe is easy to clean, but I found that annoying. I often shut the unit off and just reheat the coffee in the microwave hours later, if need be.

I chose the glass version over the thermal version because many people said you need to preheat the thermal carafe as to prevent it from sucking the heat right out of the freshly brewed coffee. This makes sense to me. Thick metal with high heat-coefficients tend to absorb temperatures, either hot or cold. The glass doesn't do that and the warming plate helps prevent it even more. Also, many people say the thermal carafe pours poorly and I didn't want to deal with that. Also, the glass was cheaper. Can't argue.

::::: COFFEE TASTE :::::

I'm a pretty discerning coffee drinker and I've truly been spoiled with Chemex's amazing goodness. I didn't want to sacrifice taste for convenience with something like a Keurig, and this certainly avoids that issue. The YouBrew makes an amazing cup of coffee. Though I haven't compared them in person, I've seen a number of blind taste tests online comparing the YouBrew to other top-of-the-line brewers, like the Technivorm Moccamaster Coffee Brewer With Thermo Carafe - Technivorm 9587, and the YouBrew often comes out on top.

I haven't had a bad cup of coffee yet. It does the following to make sure it's always delicious:

- Keeps beans fresh with air-tight hopper
- Uses the "perfect" amount of beans every time
- Grinds coffee just before brewing
- Uses a quality burr grinder with optimal grind size
- Maintains perfect brewing temperature water all the way through the process
- Evenly distributes water over grounds with slotted channels in filter basket
- Uses BPA-free plastics, stainless steel and glass all the way through the process

The YouBrew automatically grinds the "right" amount of coffee. You can certainly adjust the overall taste, though I'm not sure that affects the amount of beans being used or just changes the steeping time. You can choose your own amount of grounds by telling it you're using your own grounds (it doesn't grind anything and just trusts that you've put the right amount of coffee grounds in the filter). This allows you to put as much or as little coffee in the filter. I, personally, would never do this though. I trust that the experts that made it know more about brewing coffee than I do.

::::: CONVENIENCE :::::

I use the programming function to have it start making us coffee each morning. I simply set it to start each night and head to bed. It's as easy as hitting "PROGRAM" and then "START"; it remembers the time you last programmed it for, so it works all throughout the weekdays for us. The single-cup function is great for my wife when I'm away and she doesn't want to waste an entire pot of coffee. Cleaning, rinsing and drying the filter basket after ever use is honestly a pain, but it's still less "work" than many other options. For the most part, you occasionally fill the hopper, fill the water tank and press start. Very easy and mostly hands-free.

::::: VALUE :::::

My wife had suggested a Keurig for convenience's sake, but I didn't want to sacrifice on quality or price-per-cup. That stuff gets expensive. Even the most-versatile and advanced Keurig 2700 Keurig� Vue V700 Single serve coffee system, 1, Black/silver is still lacking in many areas and costs just as much as the YouBrew. Using the YouBrew only uses just the right amount of beans and a $0.01 filter, giving us a huge bang-for-the-buck. That very quickly makes up the slight difference between the YouBrew and a high-end Keurig.

::::: OVERALL :::::

The Breville YouBrew is largely hands-free, allows you to adjust the brew strength (and even flavor in single-cup mode), and does each step of the brewing process inside one relatively large machine. Oh, and it makes a mean cup of coffee that rivals the best of the best coffee makers. While it's really expensive, it's actually much more cost-effective in the long run than even the most economical pod-makers. It accomplishes my family's goal of easily, automatically brewing delicious, snobbery-quality coffee. Despite a few caveats, I believe this to be one of the finest coffee makers on the market. I couldn't be any happier with my purchase!

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