Monday, November 12, 2012

iRobot Looj 330 Gutter Cleaning Robot

iRobot Looj 330 Gutter Cleaning Robot

Shock Sale iRobot Looj 330 Gutter Cleaning Robot very cheapYou looking to find the "iRobot Looj 330 Gutter Cleaning Robot" Good news! You can purchase iRobot Looj 330 Gutter Cleaning Robot with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

iRobot Looj 330 Gutter Cleaning Robot On Sale

Price: $299.99    Updated Price for iRobot Looj 330 Gutter Cleaning Robot now
Purchase iRobot Looj 330 Gutter Cleaning Robot low price

Product Feature

  • Simple one button clean mode, lithium ion battery technology
  • Four-stage auger uses a 4stage cleaning process to dislodge and remove gutter debris
  • The looj 330 reduces repeated ladder climbing and overreaching from dangerous heights to make gutter cleaning a safer task
  • Low profile design more compact than previous looj models, now at just under 2-Inch high and 3-Inch wide
  • Customizable looj includes 2 sizes of auger ejectors, large and small
  • Low Profile Design more compact than previous Looj models, now at just under 2-inch high and 3 inches wide

Product Description

It's important to keep roof gutters clean and debris-free for a variety of reasons, such as safety and appearance, but to do so can be time consuming and dangerous. Here with a safe and simple solution to clearing dirty gutters is the Looj 330 Gutter Cleaning Robot from iRobot. This robotic gutter cleaner eliminates the need for continuous trips up and down the ladder as you spend a countless amount of time making your way from one section of the gutter to the next. The Looj works by simply placing it in the gutter, removing the detachable handle and selecting automatic or manual cleaning mode. In automatic cleaning mode it will move on its own down the gutter and return to the user after it's finished. In manual mode the user will use the detachable handle as a remote control to steer the Looj down the gutter and back, while also having the ability to control the spin direction of the auger. When using the remote control in manual mode users will have a 50 foot communication range between the Looj and the controller. The Looj has a powerful four-stage auger that spins at 500 RPM to ensure that it breaks apart clogs and removes debris from the gutter; it is capable of cleaning a 30 foot section of gutter in about five minutes.

iRobot Looj 330 Gutter Cleaning Robot Review

I ordered The Looj 330 directly from iRobot because i wanted to give it as a Christmas gift and Amazon did not have any in stock. Since it was a gift and i was not 100% sure it would fit in my parents gutters we threw up a ladder this past weekend, not really expecting to clean the gutters, but just to see if it fits. Well the Looj fit just fine, and for giggles i sent it on its way. At first the Looj was just flipping around in the gutter because of how bad they were. The gutters were packed with mud and debris, and it had rained all day. Then my father remembered the Looj came with smaller paddles to fit on the auger. After fitting the smaller paddles the Looj made quick work of my parent's neglected gutters. Yes it made a huge mess on the deck below, but that was easily swept away. I ended up cleaning half the houses gutters in about 30 minutes.

I wasn't confident enough to let it go without watching it. Even with the smaller paddles, it got flipped on its side a couple of times, to flip it back over I just reversed the travel direction and the auger. I also ended up tying a fishing line to the back of it just in case it was unrecoverable, but this wasn't necessary.

I had thought this product was kind of a gimmick at first, but it turns out this is a real tool that will save you time cleaning your gutters. Best of all you just set the ladder once.

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Buy iRobot Looj 330 Gutter Cleaning Robot Cheap

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