Saturday, July 23, 2011

Corby 3300 Pants Press with Automatic Shut Down and Manual Cancel Options, Black Finish

Corby 3300 Pants Press with Automatic Shut Down and Manual Cancel Options, Black Finish

Shock Sale Corby 3300 Pants Press with Automatic Shut Down and Manual Cancel Options, Black Finish very cheapYou looking to find the "Corby 3300 Pants Press with Automatic Shut Down and Manual Cancel Options, Black Finish" Good news! You can purchase Corby 3300 Pants Press with Automatic Shut Down and Manual Cancel Options, Black Finish with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

Corby 3300 Pants Press with Automatic Shut Down and Manual Cancel Options, Black Finish On Sale

Price: $212.90 $197.99   Updated Price for Corby 3300 Pants Press with Automatic Shut Down and Manual Cancel Options, Black Finish now
Purchase Corby 3300 Pants Press with Automatic Shut Down and Manual Cancel Options, Black Finish low price

Product Feature

  • Flattens wrinkles and keep creases sharp without dealing with the hassle of an iron
  • Features a 30-minutes press cycle
  • Ideal for everyday pressing of everything from business pants to casual slacks
  • Convenient automatic shut down
  • Comes with a 1-year limited warranty

Product Description

The Corby 3300 Pants Press flattens wrinkles and keep creases sharp and stylish without dealing with the hassle of an iron. This pants press features a discreet push button timer so you can set a 30-minute press cycle. Gently remove wrinkles, while easing trousers back into shape before refreshing creases with this pants press; it’s ideal for everyday pressing of everything from business pants to casual slacks. The 3300 features a convenient automatic shutdown feature that turns the press off once a cycle is complete, as well as a manual shutdown option This pants press also comes with a storage shelf that can hold loose change, keys, valuables and other items you need to set aside. It ��s beautiful black finish adds an elegant aesthetic that complements the d �cor in your bedroom or in luxury hotels. The 3300 is ETL listed, which means it has passed Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL) inspections for quality customer service, product safety standards and capabilities. The Corby 3300 Pants Press comes with a 1-year limited warranty that protects against any defects due to faulty material or workmanship. The Jerdon Style company has earned a reputation for excellence in the beauty industry with its broad range of quality cosmetic mirrors (including vanity, lighted and wall mount mirrors), hair dryers and other styling appliances. Since 1977, the Jerdon brand has been a leading provider to the finest homes, hotels, resorts, cruise ships and spas worldwide. The company continues to build its position in the market by both improving its existing line with the latest technology, developing new products and expanding its offerings to meet the growing needs of its customers.

Corby 3300 Pants Press with Automatic Shut Down and Manual Cancel Options, Black Finish Review

It's important to realize what you are getting here. If you are looking for something that will approximate a press from a good dry cleaner, fuhgeddaboutit. If you are looking for a "good enough" touch-up press, stretching out your wearing intervals between professional cleanings, you may be happy, but in the end the word I would use to describe performance is Mediocre.

The comments that:
1. it creases one leg more than the other
2. it requires careful placement of the pant legs to avoid extraneous creases
3. It only works on creases below the pockets (i.e. the backs of the knees)
4. you are better off with a good iron (if you are skilled)
are all true.

Having said that, if you
1. place the pants in it carefully and correctly,
2. use it EVERY time you wear them (two wearings gets them too wrinkled) and
3. are willing to iron the top area of the pants (get a high end Rowenta iron for this if you are smart),
then the Corby can be moderately effective in helping you stretch cleaning intervals.

I have one of these at home, and I have also used these at hotels. I still use mine, but I understand its significant limitations. Anyone who tells you this is a complete solution by itself is either not very picky at all, has an exceptional unit, or works for Corby. You will have to decide if it's "good enough" for you.
Good luck with your decision.

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