Friday, January 6, 2012

Wine Enthusiast 18-Bottle Touchscreen Wine Refrigerator (Slimline - 2-Temp)

Wine Enthusiast 18-Bottle Touchscreen Wine Refrigerator (Slimline - 2-Temp)

Shock Sale Wine Enthusiast 18-Bottle Touchscreen Wine Refrigerator (Slimline - 2-Temp) very cheapYou looking to find the "Wine Enthusiast 18-Bottle Touchscreen Wine Refrigerator (Slimline - 2-Temp)" Good news! You can purchase Wine Enthusiast 18-Bottle Touchscreen Wine Refrigerator (Slimline - 2-Temp) with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

Wine Enthusiast 18-Bottle Touchscreen Wine Refrigerator (Slimline - 2-Temp) On Sale

Price: $269.95    Updated Price for Wine Enthusiast 18-Bottle Touchscreen Wine Refrigerator (Slimline - 2-Temp) now
Purchase Wine Enthusiast 18-Bottle Touchscreen Wine Refrigerator (Slimline - 2-Temp) low price

Product Feature

  • A thermoelectric, energy-efficient, CFC-free wine cooler. ETL approved.
  • Two zones: top holds 10 bottles, bottom holds 8. 7 pull-out chrome shelves. Exterior digital touchscreen with temperature display
  • Touch Screen Top Zone adjustable temperature range of 54-66 �F provides ideal storing conditions for reds and whites
  • Touch Screen Bottom Zone adjustable temperature range of 46-66� F provides ideal storing conditions for reds and whites, and optimum serving conditions for most whites Exterior digital touchscreen with temperature display
  • 18-bottle capacity***Note: Shelving is meant to hold standard Bordeaux size bottles, using larger size bottles may limit the capacity. If you would like to store larger bottles you can easily remove any of the shelves. This will also prevent scraping the labels on the larger bottles.

Product Description

At last, a wine refrigerator for narrow spaces! The Silent 18 Bottle Dual Zone Touchscreen Wine Refrigerator Slimline fits perfectly in those empty nooks and corners of your kitchen, living room, or any room. Protects the taste of reds and whites with virtually silent cooling technology in 2 zones ***Applications: This model is not meant to be built-in to cabinetry, recessed or put underneath a counter. Additionally this model is not meant to be used in an enclosed area. While the back of the unit does produce a minimal amount of heat, it still needs to vent to an open area.

Wine Enthusiast 18-Bottle Touchscreen Wine Refrigerator (Slimline - 2-Temp) Review

I am aware of the number of negative reviews on this and other brands of the same product so the reading was carefully done and it came down to this one after about three days of examining various remarks on different sites. It's not easy picking one because these wine refrigs come across as sensitive and not really durable or built for longevity. Once I subtracted the extraordinary negative reviews for the different brands, which must come from competitors, and try to estimate how many dumbazzes do not treat the appliance properly during set up, then I got the percentage of reviews I needed to determine who prevailed. Cost, design, and features then completed the selection process.

Wine Enthusiast, according to some, cannot be trusted for customer service or quality. Some of the same reasoning, however, can be found for other brands. So, I chose this one based on the design (tall and slim) so it would fit between a basement bookshelf and table, noise (it is very quiet), attractiveness in a living area (black metal with tempered glass front surrounded by stainless steel trim), and cost for the goods received (18 bottles 750ml each storage for Amazon's price proved highly desirable).

Future buyers caveat: DO NOT do anything with it until you read the small manual included which you will find inside the unit. Too many people do not understand the need for the air temp parameters in the room where it will be located, allowing the unit to reach room temp before plugging it in, keeping it upright for at least 2 hours before plugging it in (I let mine sit overnight just to be sure any lubricants in it settled properly), and positioning it where it will get the best ventilation around the the sides and back. This is not a unit to be built in under a cabinet and you have to keep it away from air conditioners or heat sources. There is a statement in the manual that reads "In order to reach the lowest temperature (lower zone), the best ambient temperature will be around 60-65 F". Mine is in the finished basement area where the temp is typically 66 in the winter and might get to 70 in the summer on very hot days.

When you plug it in you should set the temps desired and wait for the two sections to reach those temps before loading in case there might be some type of malfunction. I left mine overnight because after 3 hours it was still adjusting and it was time for lights out. The next morning the two sections were correctly reading my settings. If you have difficulty remembering, recall that HEAT RISES so the top part should hold the reds and be set warmer and the lower will have your whites which will be 8-10 degrees cooler. The design provides different high and low for each section.

I then loaded the wine bottles that had been in the refrigerator (where the interior temp was 40deg) and both sections of the wine refrig dropped a few degrees. About four hours later the sections were reading back to the settings. Remember that these little starter coolers are not for fine expensive wines but are only to allow you to provide your bottle at the proper drinking temperature when the meal is addition to freeing up all of your refrigerator space if you like to have 10 to 18 bottles on hand of different varietals.

So, after 48 hours I can tell you that everything is mellow and the first bottle from the Slimline was at just the right temp for the Sunday meal. No more fumbling through a lot of bottles on a fridge shelf, estimating when to take the bottle out and leaving it on the table with the hope that it will be at the right temp when the serving plates are passed around.

If there are electronic problems in the near future, i.e. up to one year, I will return and update. WARNING: I thought I would look into Wine Enthusiast's 2,3 and 5 year extended warranty plans considering the problems that these types of appliances have. When I clicked on each one all three stated that due to "overwhelming demand" the plan was no longer available. Something smells about that notice. How does a company "run out" of extended warranties unless they already know that the consumer bought a lemon? At best, they should not have even offered such a plan on their site if they could not deliver. This was something I was unaware of until after delivery and I had to register the unit with the company.

Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Wine Enthusiast 18-Bottle Touchscreen Wine Refrigerator (Slimline - 2-Temp)" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Wine Enthusiast 18-Bottle Touchscreen Wine Refrigerator (Slimline - 2-Temp) ...

Buy Wine Enthusiast 18-Bottle Touchscreen Wine Refrigerator (Slimline - 2-Temp) Cheap

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