Sunday, January 1, 2012

Winix FresHome Model P300 True HEPA Air Cleaner with PlasmaWave

Winix FresHome Model P300 True HEPA Air Cleaner with PlasmaWave

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Winix FresHome Model P300 True HEPA Air Cleaner with PlasmaWave On Sale

Price: $179.99    Updated Price for Winix FresHome Model P300 True HEPA Air Cleaner with PlasmaWave now
Purchase Winix FresHome Model P300 True HEPA Air Cleaner with PlasmaWave low price

Product Feature

  • 3 Stage air cleaning. effectively removes a broad range of odors; allergens other airborne pollutants including: dust, smoke, pollen, odors, pet dander, mold spores and organic chemicals
  • True-hepa filtration captures 99.97-Percent of airborne pollutants, pet dander and allergens as small as 0.3 microns
  • Plasmawave technology safely breaks apart odor, allergens, chemical vapors and other pollutants at the molecular level ? without producing harmful-Ounceone
  • Cadr room size rating 300 sq ft-suitable for large bedrooms and living rooms
  • 4 Fan speeds from quiet mode for whisper low and energy efficient cleaning to turbo for ultimate performance

Product Description

Winix freshome model p300 true-hepa air cleaner with plasmawave; 3 stage air cleaning with activated carbon pre-filter; 99.97-Percent efficient true-hepa filter and plasmawave technology; air quality sensor, 4 fan speeds, auto mode and remote control. energy star qualified; aham room size rating 300 sq ft. a fresh take on clean air. introducing the all new winix freshome series of air cleaners. the winix freshome p300 true-hepa air cleaner with plasmawave technology combines the best air cleaning technologies to capture all of the unseen particles suspended in the air, including dust, pollen, pet dander, smoke, mold spores, organic chemicals and household odors. the p300 is our midsized air cleaner in the series and is designed for optimal use in a large bedroom or living room; featuring a 3-stage air cleaning system, the p300 uses an activated carbon pre-filter to remove household odors, hair, lint and other large particles-helping to extend the life of the hepa filter and reduce hous. The power is rated at AC 120V / 60 (Hz) / 0.8Amps.

Winix FresHome Model P300 True HEPA Air Cleaner with PlasmaWave Review

I am cat lover that is extremely allergic to cats. About five years ago I was given a feral cat and there was no way I was going to part with her, but I needed to do something to help me breathe easier. I was given a very nice Rabbit Air brand air cleaner by a friend (the same one who gave me the cat!) and put it in my bedroom and I was astounded at how much easier it made breathing and how much dust and cat dander it took out of the air. I honestly wasn't sure up until then if this whole air cleaner thing was an expensive scam or not. I was convinced in a day or two that it wasn't. So we got another Rabbit Air for the downstairs. Shortly after, I got a second cat. (And the same woman gave me both cats and both air cleaners. Do you see a pattern here?)

With both air cleaners working (and the occasional dose of Singulair), I was able to live with the cats without a problem. This was to me a positive life-changing event. To be able to have pets again meant everything to me.

I recently wanted to buy new filters for the Rabbit Air, however, and couldn't seem to find the model that I have listed on Amazon (though the company is still there). I'm sure I'll find them but in the meantime, given the chance to try this Winix P300, I was more than happy to give it a shot. I'm very glad that I did. This is a fine air cleaner and at $200 (currently) is substantially cheaper than the Rabbit Air units, I think--and it seems to do the same job. One difference I've noted between the two brands though (and they look so similar I have to wonder if there isn't some corporate relationship, but that's just a guess) is that this Winix covers an area of 300 sq feet while the Rabbit Air, as I recall (I don't have the manual nearby) was more like 700 sq feet. Honestly though, I think that given the fan strength and design, I'm guessing the folks at Winix are using a figure that is somewhat more modest than the reality. Imagine that, a company being modest in their marketing claims.

Here are some Pros and Cons of the Winix P300:


* Very simple to set up--and I mean, really simple. All you do is open the unit, take the filters out of the plastic bag they're in and then reinstall them (and it's very easy and there is no ambiguity about where they go).
* The manual is short, sweet and very articulate.
* The unit is very quiet. When it's on auto and it's just running normally, you barely even hear it. In fact, with the TV on you won't hear it. If you turn up the fan speed to clear the air (if you raise dust sweeping and it hasn't kicked on by itself, for example), yes, you will hear the fan jump into action, but its a soft noise, not annoying in the least.
* It has True HEPA filtration--a significant benefit.
* Scent detection works, but I think I might give the very slight edge to Rabbit Air for scent detection. When the first one came I noticed that the cat had a little gas problem (cats get nervous when they enter a new home) and the minute that cat ummm, let a little out, the unit roared into action. I called it the CatFart Machine. This Winix has the same feature, but the cat no longer has gas, so I tested it by waving some food past it and on it went.
* It's very attractive. I like the white color, it seems clean looking.
* The remote is handy and communicates well with the mother ship. :)
* Oh, and it came with THREE extra charcoal filters--to me, that is a great advantage. That means that for the next year, I have the filters on hand, no extra shopping required. Winix gets big points for including extras.


* The Rabbit Air brand unit lets you vacuum the HEPA filter and wash the charcoal filter (which is real chunks of charcoal on the Rabbit version) and I think that's an advantage. But since Winix gives you an extra set of charcoal filters, it's a bit of a draw. Still, I will say that the Rabbit Air charcoal filters are REAL chunks of charcoal floating in a frame and I like that.
* Honestly, I can't think of another one. The lesser square-foot coverage might be one, but again, I really think that the fan is pulling more air than Winix is advertising. And good for them for being modest instead of exaggerating.

Conclusion: For the price, I don't think you can do any better. It's efficient, quiet and attractive and utterly simple to operate. And one more thought: air cleaners (good air cleaners) do work. Don't suffer without pets or endure other allergies needlessly. There are many things you can do to fight allergies without medications and cleaning your air is a great first step. And, by the way, feral cats make wonderful pets--they adapt to home life quickly and become intensely loyal.

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