Friday, August 17, 2012

NutriMill Classic Grain Mill w/Mini Seed Mill

NutriMill Classic Grain Mill w/Mini Seed Mill

Shock Sale NutriMill Classic Grain Mill w/Mini Seed Mill very cheapYou looking to find the "NutriMill Classic Grain Mill w/Mini Seed Mill" Good news! You can purchase NutriMill Classic Grain Mill w/Mini Seed Mill with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

NutriMill Classic Grain Mill w/Mini Seed Mill On Sale

Price: $239.99    Updated Price for NutriMill Classic Grain Mill w/Mini Seed Mill now
Purchase NutriMill Classic Grain Mill w/Mini Seed Mill low price

Product Feature

  • 20 Cup Bowl Capacity
  • Stainless steel Microburst milling heads w/pre-cracker
  • Mills 20 Cups in 5 Minutes
  • Mini Seed Mill - 150 Watt Motor
  • Mini Seed Mill - Easy to Clean & 1/4 Cup Capacity

Product Description

Innovative variable high speed grain mill. Advanced technology includes: Improved texture control, stronger milling heads, unique Force Flow sound/air chamber design which results in 50% noise reduction, improved motor cooling, and longer life.

NutriMill Classic Grain Mill w/Mini Seed Mill Review

It all started with sourdough starter and it's been all downhill from there. I started baking bread while home on medical leave after a brain hemorrhage. I couldn't focus on a book, walk and chew gum at the same time, or watch TV but I could follow a recipe so I made bread. Lots of bread. Lots and lots of bread every single day for like a month. There are only two of us in the house.

That helped me to become a halfway decent bread baker, particularly once I was able to think again. So then I decided it would be cool to grind my own grain. I was trying to reform the last part of my diet (and my husband was following) to eat really cleanly. I have been beating off Paleo fans with a stick every time they evangelize to me about the evils of grain, particularly wheat, but I did like the idea of non GMO wheat flour. Unfortunately that's super expensive and while I'm willing to make the sacrifice (because it isn't like buying a grain mill was cheap) it made me want to look into grinding my own grain.

I started with my circa 1964 Vitamix. That little sucker is already older than me and will probably outlive me! My first forays into freshly ground wheat flour were scary, although the squirrels erected a statue to me in the backyard. I think it says "Queen of Wheat Cannonballs!" or something like that. I don't read squirrel. Finally I figured out what I was doing wrong and I was hooked. Good, light, whole wheat bread that made the Virgin Mary cry.

Unfortunately the Vitamix just doesn't do it the way I wanted to so I started researching. I sold my iPhone 4s to some place that gave me 3% more if I took an Amazon card, and my plot was hatched. I would get the grain mill with the Amazon gift card and my husband would quit saying, "Buy your flour at the store like normal people." (It's so cute when he tries to tell me what to I listen. You'd think after 28 years of marriage he'd just give up. Gotta love the pluck of that man!)

Got my new mill last week. Read the directions from front to back and back to front. I picked up some cheap wheat berries at some giant grocery store that I hate, but didn't want to waste my pricey non-gmo awesome-berries. Ran two cups through to clean it out and make sure it worked and I was hooked!

Made my first bread last week and it was awesome. I didn't have to sieve it to get the big bits out because there were no big bits. Made some baked goods today (scones and mini pies) using soft white spring wheat. Delicious! Fed my sourdough with fresh milled grain and I swear I heard it singing my praises in the night.

Had absolutely no problems at all with flour all over the kitchen beyond my normal mess. It's not hard to get the wheat hopper lid off. If you read the directions, there is no reason why there should be any issues. If there are, and you know you did it right, contact the company.

Do not regret my purchase at all. The squirrels do as they no longer get my little wheat bullets of death from failed whole wheat rolls. I will have to go back to using real bricks to build that fire pit as no more brick-loaves, and I guess I'll have to fix the leg on the wobbly table since I won't have any more hard-tack cookies to stick under the short leg.

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