Wednesday, August 15, 2012

VacMaster VP112 Portable Chamber Vacuum Sealer

VacMaster VP112 Portable Chamber Vacuum Sealer

Shock Sale VacMaster VP112 Portable Chamber Vacuum Sealer very cheapYou looking to find the "VacMaster VP112 Portable Chamber Vacuum Sealer" Good news! You can purchase VacMaster VP112 Portable Chamber Vacuum Sealer with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

VacMaster VP112 Portable Chamber Vacuum Sealer On Sale

Price: $595.99    Updated Price for VacMaster VP112 Portable Chamber Vacuum Sealer now
Purchase VacMaster VP112 Portable Chamber Vacuum Sealer low price

Product Feature

  • Vacuum package soups, stews, and marinades
  • Keep game meat and fish fresher longer
  • Store meats and fish scent-free
  • Eliminate waste of bulk quantities of foods

Product Description

Our VacMaster VP112 Chamber Machine provides the solution to the problem posed by other vacuum packaging machines currently on the market. How to vacuum package liquids and liquid-rich foods? Current machines on the market are suction machines, meaning the air is vacuumed out of a vacuum bag and then the bag is sealed. However, along with air, liquids are also vacuumed out of the bag, leading to partial and even failed seals.Our VP112 Chamber Machine uses a different technology to eliminate this problem. When sealing with our chamber machine, the vacuum bag that will be sealed is placed inside the chamber of the machine and the lid is closed. Air is sucked out of the entire chamber, not just the bag itself, allowing air pressure on both the inside and outside of the bag to remain equal and liquids to stay in the bag. The bag is then fully sealed and air is returned back into the chamber.

VacMaster VP112 Portable Chamber Vacuum Sealer Review

This machine is pretty cool once you get the hang of it. The other reviews here on amazon are quite helpful and provide several useful tips. I'll summarize them for you here in one concise review to help you get the most of your machine, as I had a bit of trouble at first.

- the reviewer who suggested you buy some cheapo plastic cutting boards to help fill the bags was spot on. What a great suggestion to keep the seal area clean! This did the trick: MIU France Flexible Cutting Boards, Set of 8. Much better than rolling the bag down over itself and introducing creases.

- the unit comes with 40 bags in 4 sizes; i suggest playing around with the included sizes before making the investment in cases of 500 or 1000 bags. I bought 6x12 and 12x14 bags sight unseen. the 6" bags aren't quite wide enough for most things, and for many of the things they do work for, they are so small that they are difficult to load. I would get something 8" wide next time.

- I had problems with the unit not sealing properly at first. This turned out to be user error; i was leaving so much bag in front of the seal bar that it ended up wrapping around at 90 degrees from the seal surface. This turn made it harder for air to escape the bag, which made the bags puff up during the vacuum process. When the seal bar clamped, the bag was not straight and there would be puckers in the seal. The solution was to just slide the food + bag back all the way so only 1/2" of bag came out in front of the seal bar.

Bottom line - if you want a chamber vacuum system that MIGHT fit inside a cabinet in your kitchen, this unit delivers. Just hold off on buying the bags until you get the machine and decide what sizes work best for you. It's also much quieter than any of the small consumer systems like foodsaver.

Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "VacMaster VP112 Portable Chamber Vacuum Sealer" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from VacMaster VP112 Portable Chamber Vacuum Sealer ...

Buy VacMaster VP112 Portable Chamber Vacuum Sealer Cheap

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