Friday, August 10, 2012

Whirlpool AP45030K Whispure Air Purifier, HEPA Air Cleaner

Whirlpool AP45030K Whispure Air Purifier, HEPA Air Cleaner

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Whirlpool AP45030K Whispure Air Purifier, HEPA Air Cleaner On Sale

Price: $244.77 $239.92   Updated Price for Whirlpool AP45030K Whispure Air Purifier, HEPA Air Cleaner now
Purchase Whirlpool AP45030K Whispure Air Purifier, HEPA Air Cleaner low price

Product Feature

  • Filters air 4.8 times per hour in a 490 square feet room
  • Quiet and easy to use controls
  • True HEPA 0.3 micron filtration
  • Clean Air Delivery Rate (CEDR) 315
  • 3 Fan speeds

Product Description

Whirlpool AP45030K Whispure Air Purifier, HEPA Air Cleaner

Whirlpool AP45030K Whispure Air Purifier, HEPA Air Cleaner Review

We bought this filter with the remaining balance of our medical savings account about five years ago, when it was $299. We didn't think we needed such a big filter, but if we didn't spend the money, it would just go to waste.

Let me tell you, we have now survived 2 fires in the San Diego region, the first fire came less than 1 mile from our house, blanketing our neighborhood like a nuclear winter ... For these cataclysms, we set the filter out in the center of our living room, and it cleans virtually the entire house! It was a life saver !! At a time when every air filter in the region flew off the store shelves like hot cakes, we had the ARNOLD SCHWARTZENEGGAR FILTER!!! You could smell smoke coming in underneath the doors (we later packed the doors with towels), but this air filter kept all our living areas fresh and clean!

We have a smaller floor standing honeywell $100 circular air cleaner #50100, the little brother of the 50250N. This Whirlpool is quieter than the Honeywell on all 3 settings, although the highest whirlpool setting may be louder than the lowest Honeywell setting. I'm sorry, this filter has just wrecked my enjoyment of our Honeywell circular filter. I just don't have patience for the circular filter any more, and now I'm a committed "Muscle Appliance" shopper (another muscle appliance of ours is the PATTON HIGH VELOCITY fan.)

The filter is box-shaped, with a side intake (shown in the picture). It blows air out of the top, at one of three speeds. The only control is a 3-speed knob (depicted.) The box size/shape of the honeywell takes arguably less floorspace than a circular cleaner. Because it has a side intake and blows air upwards, you can push this giant Whirlpool up against the wall, unlike a circular cleaner. Despite its bulk, it's relatively light, and the top panel overhangs both sides, making it easy to grip and carry. I have this one next to my lazy-boy chair and it makes an effective coffee table, with one caveat : If you have small children or are clumsy, take care not to drop anything down into the vents, because it doesn't come apart very easily. In a smaller room this would be on light duty. We use ours intermittently and we've only changed the HEPA once in 5 years, and the charcoal filter about 3 times.

Don't waste your money on gimmicks which are everywhere in air filter products. Don't settle for a HEPA-Type tower (filtering only 99%.) Buy the biggest, most powerful HEPA/Charcoal 99.97% filter than you can afford. You'll be grateful that you did the right thing !!

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