Sunday, December 2, 2012

Nespresso D111-US-BK-NE1 Citiz Espresso Maker, Black

Nespresso D111-US-BK-NE1 Citiz Espresso Maker, Black

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Nespresso D111-US-BK-NE1 Citiz Espresso Maker, Black On Sale

Price: $248.95 $229.99   Updated Price for Nespresso D111-US-BK-NE1 Citiz Espresso Maker, Black now
Purchase Nespresso D111-US-BK-NE1 Citiz Espresso Maker, Black low price

Product Feature

  • Easy insertion and ejection of capsules; Holds 10 used capsules; For use with Nespresso coffee capsules only
  • Compact brewing unit technology; Fast preheating time: 25 seconds; Automatic power off after 9 minutes of inactivity
  • Automatic and programmable coffee volume quantity (Espresso and Lungo)
  • Pivoting cup tray accommodates tall recipe glasses; Removable 34-ounce water tank
  • 19 Bar high pressure pump

Product Description

Conceived to please both enthusiasts of Nespresso and lovers of modern design, Citiz is the expression of the union between high tech and retro-modern design inspirations. Nespresso began more than 25 years ago with a simple but revolutionary idea, to create the perfect cup of Espresso coffee with exquisite crema, tantalizing aroma and full bodied taste-just like skilled baristas. As the worldwide pioneer, Nespresso redefined the way coffee lovers around the world enjoy their espresso coffee through a unique combination of premium quality Grand Cru coffees, stylish coffee machines and exceptional customer service. To obtain the perfect espresso, Nespresso Experts seek out only the ��nest Grands Crus green coffees, which promise to offer the most tantalizing aromas. The virtuoso � alchemists' compose the blend from these diverse origins and decide upon a speci � c roasting and grinding pro� le. Each of the Nespresso Grands Crus has a distinctive character. You can, depending on the variety of different recipes, enjoy Nespresso with milk. When combined with creamy milk foam, you will experience a whole new variety of flavors. The Nespresso Club Services. A world of services at your disposal. The Nespresso Club is always there for you, online, by telephone or in one of our Boutiques. Order your Nespresso capsules, receive personalized advice and obtain technical support for your machine: whatever you are seeking, the Nespresso Club and its Specialists are with you every step of the way. Benefit from quick and easy ordering whenever, wherever.

Nespresso D111-US-BK-NE1 Citiz Espresso Maker, Black Review

I first saw the Nespresso in a ritzy Paris hotel, and I was generally impressed with the construction quality, ease of use and the taste of the small coffee pods. After looking at the Illy and some others, I decided to purchase one of these for my office...while we have a traditional coffee maker, it's shared among a lot of people and there never seems to be any coffee when I want a cup. Probably a bigger issue is that I'm a complete coffee fanatic (to the extent that I grow my own beans!), and I wanted something that would at least make a passably good tasting cup of coffee. That it's compact and doesn't cost a fortune are added pluses.

The overall quality of the Nespresso unit is quite good. There are several models to choose from in various colors, but they all seem to have very similar performance. The big difference is really just whether a milk warmer/frother is included, and if so, whether it's totally separate or an integrated unit. Water capacity, pressure, temperature, adjustments and so forth seem about the same across all of the units I sampled.

The unit puts out 19 bars of pressure - more than many. The small pods feature thin metal containers - no doubt to handle this much pressure without bursting (as would, say, a K-cup). This definitely gives you more of an espresso taste than simply a "strong coffee" taste.

The unit heats quickly - under half a minute from dead cold. Once heated, you can make cup after cup, and when it sits idle for a while (over 5 minutes, I think), it shuts off. The brew cycle is also fairly quick...even from a dead cold startup, you can have a shot of espresso in under a minute or two. Larger servings are possible from Nespresso's "Lungo" pods, and they take just a few seconds longer. When you're done, the machine is easy to clean - just empty the used pods (it claims to hold 10, but I find six more realistic) and occasionally rinse out the pod bins. No messy grounds to deal with or anything.

I also find the machine fairly quiet for an espresso maker. The pressure pumps in some of the smaller units put out quite a loud sound, but the Nespresso seems to be one of the quietest overall.

Note that this model doesn't have any sort of built-in milk warming or frothing. You can buy Nespresso's add-on milk units, but there are several other brands you might consider. If you're like me in an office setting, you might prefer one with built-in refrigeration so that your milk lasts several days. Certainly the size and strength of the espresso shots output by the Nespresso suggests it would be used for cappuccino or latte.

I'd rate the coffee taste as about an 8 out of 10. With the right beans, my super-automatic makes better - but it costs twenty times what this guy does. I can make better with a manual unit on the stove, but that takes a good half an hour from grinding the beans to washing the espresso maker. The Nespresso is consistent cup after cup, wins on convenience by a mile, and the coffee is better than I expected. Like many things in life, it's about balance, and the Nespresso does about as well as I could expect. For the price, you get a convenient and simple to use appliance that produces as good or better coffee than you're likely to find at the local coffee shop.

Only real complaint is with buying the pods themselves. I should have done more research, but it turns out I don't have a local source for the Nespresso coffee pods. Even my local stores who sell the machines don't sell the pods, and so I'm pretty much at the mercy of buying online from Nespresso's site. They average about sixty cents per cup, but unlike K-cups which are available everywhere, when I run out, it takes a day or two to get a new supply. There's also not much of a secondary market - Nespresso makes maybe 15 varieties, and that's all you're likely to find. Luckily, they are very good - but don't expect the 250 or so flavors you find in things like Keurig K-cups.

Other than being more or less locked into Nespresso for pods, this is a great unit for the price and definitely worth a look if you want a convenient machine that makes good espresso.

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Buy Nespresso D111-US-BK-NE1 Citiz Espresso Maker, Black Cheap

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