Friday, April 8, 2011

Eraldehyde-65 Formaldehyde Eradicator

Eraldehyde-65 Formaldehyde Eradicator

Shock Sale Eraldehyde-65 Formaldehyde Eradicator very cheapYou looking to find the "Eraldehyde-65 Formaldehyde Eradicator" Good news! You can purchase Eraldehyde-65 Formaldehyde Eradicator with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

Eraldehyde-65 Formaldehyde Eradicator On Sale

Price: $245.95    Updated Price for Eraldehyde-65 Formaldehyde Eradicator now
Purchase Eraldehyde-65 Formaldehyde Eradicator low price

Product Feature

  • Eliminates toxic formaldehyde in the air you are breathing
  • Safe to use for you, your pets and plants
  • NASA & CDC Tested as Safe and Effective.
  • Comes with installed EraldePad-65/70 Blue eradication cartridge
  • Also uses the EraldePad-65 HEPA cartridge (Amazon item B00F57RZ5G)

Product Description

Eraldehyde removes formaldehyde off-gas from household furnishings, construction materials, and occupational exposures. Formaldehyde is a toxic organic compound with a pungent, irritating odor. Highly toxic to all animals, it is a known human carcinogen used for post mortem embalming and to preserve biological specimen. Eraldehyde removes formaldehyde gas from the air you are breathing by chemically eradicating it. During 2009 the Center for Disease Control sponsored an evaluation run by NASA to assess the effectiveness and safety of 16 different devices to reduce indoor concentrations of formaldehyde. The Eraldehyde unit with its eradication cartridge pad was the most efficient in percentage reduction of formaldehyde vapors and did not generate other toxic contaminants. Eraldehyde was proven safe, and proven to be more effective than all the other technologies and devices tested. Eraldehyde is a table top unit designed to run periodically for an hour a day or when the occupant smells formaldehyde. NASA ran the unit continuously for 13 weeks (2,184 hours) and its eradication capacity only gradually decreased by 50% over the extended, non-stop period despite the very dusty test environment. (The full CDC-NASA report (12.3 mb) may be downloaded from the CDC website Eraldehyde-65 will completely exchange the air in a standard 30 X 27 feet room in one hour, (quicker in smaller rooms). It comes with a replaceable EraldePad-65/70 Blue eradication pad that should last up to 6 months or longer, depending upon how frequently and how long you run it. The used pad is discarded as normal, non-toxic waste. Replacement eradication pads are inexpensive, easy to insert, and sold in a package of 2 on Amazon. (See Eraldepad-65/70 Blue, Amazon item B00EY2PVE0 .) For more protection from allergens the EraldePad-65 HEPA(95%) formaldehyde eradication cartridge can be used (Amazon item B00F57RZ5G).

Eraldehyde-65 Formaldehyde Eradicator Review

I used it for newly installed intoxicating kitchen cabinets.
It seemed to do the job.
I only had to run it for 2 weeks and the odor is mostly gone.

Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Eraldehyde-65 Formaldehyde Eradicator" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Eraldehyde-65 Formaldehyde Eradicator ...

Buy Eraldehyde-65 Formaldehyde Eradicator Cheap

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