Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Whynter RPD-702WP Energy Star Portable Dehumidifier with Pump, 70-Pint

Whynter RPD-702WP Energy Star Portable Dehumidifier with Pump, 70-Pint

Shock Sale Whynter RPD-702WP Energy Star Portable Dehumidifier with Pump, 70-Pint very cheapYou looking to find the "Whynter RPD-702WP Energy Star Portable Dehumidifier with Pump, 70-Pint" Good news! You can purchase Whynter RPD-702WP Energy Star Portable Dehumidifier with Pump, 70-Pint with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

Whynter RPD-702WP Energy Star Portable Dehumidifier with Pump, 70-Pint On Sale

Price: $313.00    Updated Price for Whynter RPD-702WP Energy Star Portable Dehumidifier with Pump, 70-Pint now
Purchase Whynter RPD-702WP Energy Star Portable Dehumidifier with Pump, 70-Pint low price

Product Feature

  • 70 pint, 33 liter capacity dehumidifier
  • 18 pint, 8.5 liter removable water bucket
  • Auto-restart and auto-shutoff options
  • Adjustable humidity range of 30 - 90% relative humidity
  • Auto-defrosting capability to prevent frost build-up inside unit

Product Description

The Whynter Energy Star 70 pint portable dehumidifier is a high capacity unit with exceptional low-temperature operability. As an Energy Star-rated dehumidifier, the Whynter RPD-702WP provides cost-effective and energy-efficient operation, without sacrificing design and performance. Featuring an internal condensate pump, this unit is specifically designed for high volume usage without having to worry about interrupted operation. This dehumidifier can be continuously operated with 3 drainage options: manual drain, gravity drain and condensate pump drain. The condensate pump can pump condensation water out (and up) through the included 16.5' drain for continuous water removal with approximately 15' of vertical lift. This high capacity unit is ideal for the basement, attic or any heavy humidity spaces. To maintain a steady, comfortable humidity level, this Whynter dehumidifier comes standard with an auto-restart and auto-shutoff options for the compressor that activate based on your selected humidity level. Built for high capacity usage, this unit is suited for enclosed areas as large 3800 sq. ft.

Whynter RPD-702WP Energy Star Portable Dehumidifier with Pump, 70-Pint Review

Purchased this dehumidifier for a finished basement in a second home. It was shipped to my main residence and I thought I would test it in my walk out basement. It reduced the humidity in my basement from 70% to 45% in just a few hours. The difference in the comfort level is amazing. It no longer feels damp at all. With all the rain this summer there was a definite musty smell in the basement. In less than 24 hours the musty smell has been totally eliminated. Being able to pump the water out of the dehumidifier into a sink is marvelous. Well worth the additional cost. I like this product so much I am going to order another one to take to my second home and keep this one where it is.

Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Whynter RPD-702WP Energy Star Portable Dehumidifier with Pump, 70-Pint" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Whynter RPD-702WP Energy Star Portable Dehumidifier with Pump, 70-Pint ...

Buy Whynter RPD-702WP Energy Star Portable Dehumidifier with Pump, 70-Pint Cheap

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